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05. мај 2016.

The Young Bucks, Matt & Nick Jackson, along with Kenny "The Cleaner" Omega, make up The ELITE. Follow our adventures as WE RULE THE WORLD and dominate the professional wrestling business.

27. август 2018.

Being Dad is an intimate, entertaining and revealing portrait of nine men who are tackling fatherhood, one of the most important roles in the world. Each episode of this new docu-series drops viewers into the lives of three dads who are facing challenges that are simultaneously unique and universal: a single dad re-enters the dating scene; an over-protective dad struggles with his autistic daughter’s growing independence; gay dads deal with the emotional complexities of adoption. While the featured fathers are different ages, races, and religions, they are all bound by the singular belief that raising their children is life’s greatest gift.

02. новембар 2020.

The Art of Being Nick is an American sitcom pilot created by Bruce Helford, that aired on NBC on August 27, 1987. The pilot stars Scott Valentine as artist/environmentalist Nick Moore, who appeared as Mallory's boyfriend in Family Ties. Also in the cast were Kristine Sutherland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and John Daman.

"I'll make it so your body's unable to forget mine." Saijou Takato's 5 year reign as the 'Most Huggable No. 1' has been snatched. Stealing his thunder is the newbie actor with a 3-year debut, Azumaya! Towards the stuffy hostile Takato, Azumaya's sincere sparkling smile starts to become effective. Even as Takato sets his alert level on MAX, Azumaya catches Takato in his shameful drunken state and uses it to blackmail him! In exchange for Azumaya's silence, Azumaya states, "Please let me hold you…?! Embrace me, who was the Most Huggable No.1?" What the heck is he saying! Includes a large quantity of other high suspense erotic stories.

25. новембар 2003.

Hung Sue Gan starting from the bottom, established his own logistics company, which is now running smoothly. His only concern now are his three daughters. His eldest daughter has immigrated overseas. His second daughter Hung Yeuk Shui has reached the marriageable age, but has no hopes for marriage anytime soon. She is constantly bickering with her younger sister Hung Sum Yue, who is an honour student, over trivial matters, causing their father to not know whether to laugh or cry. Hung Sue Yan, Hung Sue Gan's brother, moves in with the family, temporarily ending his life as a nomadic photographer. He joins Hung Yeuk Shui's company and encounters Ko Pak Fei, the director of an online shop. The two appear to be former lovers, making for lots of laughter. Since Hung Sue Yan moved in, a series of strange events have occurred in the family. Upon investigation, the source is traced to Lung Ging Fung, a promising young man who is the son of department store mogul Lung Gam Wai.

Након што је група хероја победила краља демона, вратили су мир у земљу и вратили се животу у самоћи. Генерације пролазе, а вилењачки маг Фриерен суочава се лицем у лице са смртношћу човечанства. Она узима новог шегрта и обећава да ће испунити умируће жеље старих пријатеља. Може ли се вилењачки ум помирити са природом живота и смрти? Фриерен креће у потрагу да сазна.

A hot-blooded high school teen, a mysterious female swordsman, and an unpredictable dark emo girl. It's impossible to distinguish between reality and the game world! What kind of conspiracy is awaiting them in this super journey of the world!

Taking place mainly in Bogotá, Colombia, Betty La Fea is essentially a Cinderella comedy about the rise of poor, ugly 'Betty' Pinzón and the fall of rich, handsome Armando Mendoza. Armando is a very incompetent playboy with a scheme to turn a huge profit as the new President of Eco Moda, a famous clothing manufacturing company, but his scheme is doomed because of his faulty mathematics. Because Betty, his secretary (and economics wizard), is in love with him, she helps Armando deceive the Board of Directors as he loses money and brings the company to ruin.

Betty, la Fea is arguably the most successful telenovela of all time and one of the most popular television shows in the world. It is the first telenovela to have been remade worldwide and has been regarded as bringing the telenovela to new levels of success.

When Ruby unwittingly witnesses an explosive secret at Maxton Hall private school, the arrogant millionaire heir James Beaufort has to deal with the quick-witted scholarship student for better or worse: He is determined to silence Ruby. Their passionate exchange of words unexpectedly ignites a spark...

09. септембар 1993.
01. април 2024.

Following the success of part 1, "Sinister Beings 2" returns with a familiar cast.

Two senior detectives Hua Tuan Sam (played by Tran Trien Bang) and Tham Vi Luc (played by Huynh Tri Hien) work together for the Organized Crime Investigation Team and the OCTB or Point O (Organized Crime and Triad Bureau). With their intelligence and sharp observation ability, they solve many cases.

Hui Chun-sum is an elite OCTB officer. He is fearless and competent. His boss thinks highly of him, and his colleagues really admire him. But his ultimate dream is to join SDU. Another elite OCTB officer Shum Wai-lik has a shrewd mind and extensive experience. Although the duo have different approaches, but they are like-minded and ideally complement each other. Police suffer heavy casualties as they are ambushed by thugs. To catch the culprit, Chun-sum forgets his dream and stays with OCTB. Moreover, Chun-sum and Wai-lik are faced with successive nasty cases that are tortuous, surreptitious, tricky and baffling. The duo use reverse thinking, psychological game theory and meticulous analysis to decipher the criminals’ thoughts and motives. No crook can escape the long arm of the law!

09. децембар 2020.

Lim Ju-kyung is a high school student. Since she was little, she has had a complex about her appearance. To hide her bare face, Ju-kyung always wears make-up. Her excellent make-up skills make her pretty and she hides her bare face in front of others. She gets involved with 2 men; Lee Su-ho and Han Seo-jun.

Wong Ka-Nam disappeared to the United States, leaving behind her son and husband in Hong Kong. When her husband dies in an airplane accident looking for her, Wong Ka-Nam's son, Luk Chit is taken into the custody of her mother-in-law, Ng Hang. After eighteen long years, Wong Ka-Nam wishes to see her son again and returns to Hong Kong. However, she is met with adamant resistance from her mother-in-law, who views Ka-Nam as bad luck, blaming her for the death of her son. Highly protective of her grandson and fearing that Wong Ka-Nam will attempt to take him away, Ka Nam's mother-in-law does everything in her power to keep mother and son apart. However, Wong Ka-Nam is ironically assisted by her own son, who befriends her and secures her office job in his advertising agency.

In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. Amid a rising crime rate, the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP) set up a legalized contract system, in which registered bounty hunters, also referred to as "Cowboys", chase criminals and bring them in alive in return for a reward.

09. јануар 2011.

Violent delinquent Oga encounters a baby one day, which crawls onto his back and immediately forms an attachment to him. Though he doesn't know it yet, this baby is named Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, or "Baby Beel" for short—the son of the Demon Lord!

Cazibe, an Azerbaijani immigrant, marries Kemal to become a Turkish citizen. Ms. Gül who deals with illegal marriages arranges this marriage which will last for 3 years according to the agreement. Kemal receives 10,000 Turkish liras from Cazibe. But Kemal has a girlfriend, Simge, who is the daughter of Kemal's boss. Kemal's boss does not know that Kemal and his daughter are in a relationship. Simge thinks that Cazibe is Kemal's maid. However, Ejder is the foreign marriage detective and he is trying to find proof that Cazibe only married Kemal to become a Turkish Citizen.

The word "Yahşi" comes from Azerbaijani and means "beautiful, nice, attractive". "Cazibe" means seduction.

A new cast of characters take on the continued battle between good and evil. Gingka, our hero, and his group of loyal friends take on a dangerous group called the Dark Nebula. Dark Nebula’s mission is to take over the world and unleash their evil upon it; but before they can do so, they must destroy Gingka as he is the only person that’s strong enough to stand in their way. The plot thickens as friends become enemies and enemies become allies. Everything starts and ends with Gingka as he struggles to find the strength to defend his world and the honor of Beyblade.

18. новембар 1983.

Toxic waste dumping in a small Idaho town turns a young boy into horrible mutant monster. The town's police chief and a government scientist team up to stop the monster, which is quickly killing off the town's citizenry.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1991. High school freshman Charlie is a wallflower, always watching life from the sidelines, until two senior students, Sam and her stepbrother Patrick, become his mentors, helping him discover the joys of friendship, music and love.

Прича прати легендарни телевизијски пар Лусил Бол и Деси Арназ током недељног процеса настајања популарног телевизијског ситкома „Ја волим Луси“. Од читајућих проба понедељком до снимања петком пред публиком у студију, Луси и Деси се суочавају са низом изазова који би могли да окончају и њихове каријере и њихов брак.

05. фебруар 1988.

Successful surgeon Tomas leaves Prague for an operation, meets a young photographer named Tereza, and brings her back with him. Tereza is surprised to learn that Tomas is already having an affair with the bohemian Sabina, but when the Soviet invasion occurs, all three flee to Switzerland. Sabina begins an affair, Tom continues womanizing, and Tereza, disgusted, returns to Czechoslovakia. Realizing his mistake, Tomas decides to chase after her.

Сви воле Ернеста, али нико није сигуран ко је он у ствари. Двојица енглеских џентлмена одлучују да се мало поиграју са истином како би им животи били узбудљивији. Вортинг (Колин Фирт) измишља брата Ернеста како би отишао са села у посету Гвендолин (Франсес О'Конор), а Монткриф (Руперт Еверет) користи исти псеудоним да би посетио Вортингову младу и лепу штићеницу Сесили (Рис Видерспун). Ствари се одвијају онако како су замислили – све док се не заљубе и док се њихова превара не открије.

03. децембар 2020.

Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her father. Together they drift through the summer. During the day they swim in the pool and at night he takes her to bed. She shares his memories and anything else he programs her to recall. Memories that mean everything to him but nothing to her. Yet, one night she sets off into the woods following a fading echo… The story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us.

Алџернон Монкриф је изненађен када открије да се његов богати пријатељ - кога познаје као „Ернест“ - заправо зове Џек Вортинг. Џек је измислио свој алтер его како би побегао са свог сеоског имања где се брине о свом задатку, Сесил Кардев. Сесил верује да је Ернест Џеков неверни брат и одушевљена је његовим рафинираним животним стилом. Алџернон, видевши прилику, узима Ернестов идентитет и ушуња се како би се удварао Сесил.

A teenage girl has a strange encounter with a mysterious car late at night and searches for answers, realizing that she may be in more danger than she thought.

Filled with wit and wisdom, The Importance of Being Earnest tells the tale of Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff. Jack has invented an imaginary brother, Earnest, whom he uses as an excuse to escape from his dull home in the country and frolic in town. Algernon uses a similar technique, only in reverse: His imaginary friend, Bunbury, provides a convenient and frequent method of taking adventures in the country. However, their deceptions eventually cross paths, resulting in a series of crises that threaten to spoil their romantic pursuits; Jack of his love Gwendolen Fairfax, and Algernon of his belle Cecily Cardew.

In this feature film version of the popular BBC sitcom, the staff of Grace Brothers go on holiday to Costa Plonka, where they find themselves in the middle of a revolution.

26. новембар 2018.

This is the definitive Documentary on Alien Abduction. A careful fact based study of the most credible cases, hoaxes, military historical involvement and expert interviews.

26. јул 2013.

A struggling young artist accepts a series of bizarre commissions from an eccentric, dying millionaire who may be trying to either help further his career or destroy his life.

28. фебруар 2018.

After a long and tumultuous relationship with his wife, Roman finds himself alone.

He decides to sublet one room in his house, Mel will be the first to answer his announcement. When Mel moves into Roman’s house he will make him wonder about who he his and what he would like to change in his life.

05. јун 2009.

Twenty-three-year-old John has just moved to L.A. from New York, ostensibly "taking a break" from his longtime girlfriend. He moves in with college bro Andy, whose pals incessantly do that kind of "That is so gay" banter that's essentially harmless - unless you're the only gay guy in the room.

The hilarious and bizarre story of Frank Sidebottom, the cult British comedian in a papier mâché head, and the secretive life of Chris Sievey, the artist trapped inside.

03. октобар 2008.

Mumblecore movie about a young woman named Eleonore who wanders New York City committing acts of theft.

31. август 2020.

The story of Queen Elizabeth II from those who know her best.

09. јануар 2008.

Director Abby Epstein's controversial documentary takes a hard look at America's maternity care system, juxtaposing hospital deliveries against the growing popularity of at-home, natural childbirths that some expectant parents are opting for. Former talk show host Ricki Lake was inspired to produce this compelling exposé after a dissatisfying birthing experience with her first child left her with many unanswered questions.

16. фебруар 2024.

Two strangers refuse to move out of each others way on a public footpath.

24. новембар 2019.

This piece examines real-life Rob Bilott’s sacrifices to take down a powerful corporation and how a single individual can impact an entire community. Cast and filmmakers discuss the importance of telling this story and empowering whistle-blowers.

The Other Side of the Bed and The Two Sides of the Bed

Four good friends, wanting to get a break from their everyday lives, go on a fishing trip to Norway.

Kids and their favorite teddy bear.

Stories about two friends - Hedgehog and Teddy Bear based on the tales of Sergei Kozlov.

Yowis Ben is a StarVision comedy drama film that first hit theaters in 2018. Each sequel is released 1 year later. Until now, it has produced 4 film series and 1 web series. This film tells the life of Bayu, Doni, Nando, and Yayan in building a band from high school.

The story revolves around the lives of two rough-and-tumble high school friends, Kato Hiroshi and Nakama Toru, who frequently cause trouble and start fights.

Animals Are Beautiful People (1974) and 4 German sequels released much later.

The Bad News Bears Collection

The trilogy of films about Ryszard Ochódzki, the president of the "Tęcza" sports club, is a set of three iconic Polish comedies: "Miś", "Ryś", and "Rozmowy kontrolowane". The adventures of the main character, Ryszard Ochódzki, immerse viewers in a world of absurdities, intrigues, and unpredictable situations, providing great entertainment for fans of Polish comedy.

The 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony was held at the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest. It began at 8:00 p.m. China Standard Time (UTC+8) on August 8, 2008, as 8 is considered to be a lucky number in Chinese culture. Featuring more than 15,000 performers, the ceremony lasted over four hours and cost over $100 million USD to produce.

The Benchwarmers is a 2006 American sports-comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan and starring Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Jon Heder. It is produced by Revolution Studios and Happy Madison Productions and is distributed by Columbia Pictures. It has developed a cult following over the years since its release, especially amongst baseball fans. In July 2018, Revolution Studios and Universal 1440 announced a direct-to-DVD sequel, titled Benchwarmers 2: Breaking Balls. The film was released on January 29, 2019, with Jon Lovitz reprising his role as Mel Carmichael. The rest of the cast consists of Chris Klein, Chelsey Reist, Lochlyn Munro, and Garfield Wilson.

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