시즌 정규 출연진 10

  1. Jason Priestley

    Jason Priestley

    Brandon Walsh

  2. 섀넌 도허티

    섀넌 도허티

    Brenda Walsh

  3. Jennie Garth

    Jennie Garth

    Kelly Taylor

  4. Ian Ziering

    Ian Ziering

    Steve Sanders

  5. Gabrielle Carteris

    Gabrielle Carteris

    Andrea Zuckerman

  6. Luke Perry

    Luke Perry

    Dylan McKay

  7. Brian Austin Green

    Brian Austin Green

    David Silver

  8. Tori Spelling

    Tori Spelling

    Donna Martin

  9. Carol Potter

    Carol Potter

    Cindy Walsh

  10. James Eckhouse

    James Eckhouse

    Jim Walsh

특별출연 8

  1. Jennifer Guthrie
  2. Robia LaMorte
  3. Rachel True
  4. Michael Cudlitz

    Michael Cudlitz

    Tony Miller

  5. Julie Adams
  6. Wendy Benson-Landes
  7. Jennifer Grant

    Jennifer Grant

    Celeste Lundy

제작진 1


  1. Bill D'Elia

    Bill D'Elia


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