Serial Killing 101 (1998)

R 06/12/1998 (US) HorrorComedy 1h 29m
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Casey Noland, a high school kid with no direction in life, decides to pursue the serial killing profession. Only problem...he can't bring himself to kill anybody. Will the help of a gothic chick named Sasha, he attempts to learn the ways of a mass murderer. Meanwhile, a real serial killer is at work in their town and Casey thinks he might know who the maniac is.

  1. Trace Slobotkin

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Justin Urich

    Justin Urich

    Casey Noland

  2. Lisa Loeb

    Lisa Loeb


  3. Rick Overton

    Rick Overton

    Mr. Korn

  4. George Murdock

    George Murdock

    Detective Berro

  5. Barbara Niven

    Barbara Niven

    Donna Noland

  6. Stuart Stone

    Stuart Stone


  7. Raymond O'Connor

    Raymond O'Connor


  8. Esther Scott

    Esther Scott

    Mrs. Lindon

  9. Elise Ballard

    News Anchor

  10. View More

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Original Language English

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