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The Rebel (1959)

PG Western
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The Rebel is a 76-episode American western television series starring Nick Adams that debuted on the ABC network from 1959 to 1961. The Rebel was one of the few Goodson-Todman Productions outside of their game show ventures. Beginning in December 2011, The Rebel reruns began to air Saturday mornings on Me-TV.

  1. Nick Adams


Series Cast

  1. Nick Adams as Johnny Yuma

    Nick Adams

    Johnny Yuma

    76 Episodes

  2. Ed Nelson as Clint Mowbree, Chad, The Stalker, and Doug

    Ed Nelson

    Clint Mowbree, Chad, The Stalker, Doug

    4 Episodes

  3. Ed Kemmer as Jake Wiley, Dr. Curtis, and Sheriff Jesse Wilks

    Ed Kemmer

    Jake Wiley, Dr. Curtis, Sheriff Jesse Wilks

    3 Episodes

  4. Richard Bakalyan as Bart Vogan and Calley Kid

    Richard Bakalyan

    Bart Vogan, Calley Kid

    3 Episodes

  5. J. Pat O'Malley as Judge Russell, Sam, and McCune

    J. Pat O'Malley

    Judge Russell, Sam, McCune

    3 Episodes

  6. John Pickard as Sheriff Cahill, Sheriff Pruett, and Marshal Drown

    John Pickard

    Sheriff Cahill, Sheriff Pruett, Marshal Drown

    3 Episodes

  7. Ben Wright as Tom, Dan Wicks, and Eberhart

    Ben Wright

    Tom, Dan Wicks, Eberhart

    3 Episodes

  8. Nick Dennis as Sheriff Rocky Spiropolous, Trapper, and Greco

    Nick Dennis

    Sheriff Rocky Spiropolous, Trapper, Greco

    3 Episodes

  9. Ken Mayer as Preacher, Bull Hollingsworth, and Andrews

    Ken Mayer

    Preacher, Bull Hollingsworth, Andrews

    3 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2

1960 • 40 Episodes

Season 2 of The Rebel premiered on September 18, 1960.

The Executioner (Last Show)

(2x40, June 18, 1961) Season Finale

View All Seasons

The Rebel
The Rebel


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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