Of Thee I Sing (1972)

10/24/1972 (US) MusicComedy 1h 30m
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CBS' updated version of the classic Gershwin musical, cast largely with stars who were all appearing in then-current CBS television series.

  1. Dave Powers


  2. Roger Beatty


  3. Dick Hall


Top Billed Cast

  1. Carroll O'Connor

    Carroll O'Connor

    John P. Wintergreen

  2. Cloris Leachman

    Cloris Leachman

    Mary Turner

  3. Jack Gilford

    Jack Gilford

    Alexander Throttlebottom

  4. Michele Lee

    Michele Lee

    Diana Devereaux

  5. Jim Backus

    Jim Backus

    Senator Robert F. Lyons

  6. David Doyle

    David Doyle

    Francis X. Gilhooley

  7. Bob Duggan

    Senate Clerk

  8. Herb Edelman

    Herb Edelman

    Louis Lippman

  9. Paul Hartman

    Paul Hartman

    Chief Justice

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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