Convict 99 (1938)

U 09/26/1938 (GB) Comedy 1h 31m
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A disgraced school master, Benjamin Twist, is mistaken for a tough prison governor and assigned the charge of a prison for particularly hardened criminals. Believing he is being sent to a school rather than a prison, he celebrates accordingly only to find that his drunkenness accidently lands him on the wrong side of the prison bars. The Governorship is eventually restored to him, and he sets about popularising himself amongst the convicts by turning a blind eye to their shady dealings.

  1. Marcel Varnel


  2. Jack Davis Jr.


  3. Marriott Edgar


  4. Ralph Smart


  5. Cyril Campion


  6. Val Guest


Top Billed Cast

  1. Will Hay

    Will Hay

    Dr. Benjamin Twist

  2. Moore Marriott

    Moore Marriott

    Jerry The Mole

  3. Graham Moffatt

    Graham Moffatt

    Albert Brown

  4. Googie Withers

    Googie Withers


  5. Peter Gawthorne

    Peter Gawthorne

    Sir Cyril

  6. Basil Radford

    Basil Radford

    Deputy Governor

  7. Wilfred Walter

    Max Slessor

  8. Dennis Wyndham

    Dennis Wyndham

    Head Warder

  9. Alf Goddard

    Alf Goddard


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

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Revenue -


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