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Cesar Chavez (2014)

PG-13 03/28/2014 (US) Drama 1h 42m
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History is made one step at a time.


A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Chronicling the birth of a modern American labour movement, Cesar Chavez tells the story of the famed civil rights leader and labour organiser torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to securing a living wage for farm workers. Passionate but soft-spoken, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle to bring dignity to working people.

  1. Diego Luna


  2. Keir Pearson


  3. Timothy J. Sexton


Top Billed Cast

  1. Michael Peña

    Michael Peña

    Cesar E. Chavez

  2. Rosario Dawson

    Rosario Dawson

    Dolores Huerta

  3. America Ferrera

    America Ferrera

    Helen Chavez

  4. Jacob Vargas

    Jacob Vargas

    Richard Chavez

  5. Gabriel Mann

    Gabriel Mann

    Bogdanovich Junior

  6. Lisa Brenner

    Lisa Brenner

    Jackie Stringer

  7. John Malkovich

    John Malkovich


  8. Kevin Dunn

    Kevin Dunn

    Dr. Arlo

  9. Mark Moses

    Mark Moses

    Fred Ross

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $10,000,000.00

Revenue -


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