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The Ice Follies of 1939 (1939)

03/10/1939 (US) MusicDrama 1h 22m
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Sparkling With Stars, Gaiety, Music!


Mary and Larry are are a modestly successful skating team. Shortly after their marriage, Mary gets a picture contract, while Larry is sitting at home, out of work.

  1. Leonard Praskins

    Screenplay, Story

  2. Reinhold Schünzel


  3. Florence Ryerson


  4. Edgar Allan Woolf


  5. James Kevin McGuinness


Top Billed Cast

  1. Joan Crawford

    Joan Crawford

    Mary McKay

  2. James Stewart

    James Stewart

    Larry Hall

  3. Lew Ayres

    Lew Ayres

    Eddie Burgess

  4. Lewis Stone

    Lewis Stone

    Douglas Tolliver Jr.

  5. Bess Ehrhardt

    Kitty Sherman

  6. Roy Shipstad

    Roy Shipstad, Ice Follies Skater

  7. Eddie Shipstad

    Eddie Shipstad, Ice Follies Skater

  8. Oscar Johnson

    Oscar Johnson, Ice Follies Skater

  9. Lionel Stander

    Lionel Stander

    Mort Hodges

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Ice Follies of 1939
The Ice Follies of 1939

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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