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Last Vegas (2013)

PG-13 11/01/2013 (US) Comedy 1h 45m
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It's going to be legendary


Aging pals Billy, Paddy, Archie, and Sam have been best friends since childhood. When Billy finally proposes to his much-younger girlfriend, all four friends go to Las Vegas to celebrate the end of Billy's longtime bachelorhood and relive their glory days. However, the four quickly realize that the intervening decades have changed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they had not imagined.

  1. Jon Turteltaub


  2. Dan Fogelman


Top Billed Cast

  1. Robert De Niro

    Robert De Niro

    Patrick 'Paddy' Connors

  2. Morgan Freeman

    Morgan Freeman

    Archibald 'Archie' Clayton

  3. Michael Douglas

    Michael Douglas

    Billy Gerson

  4. Kevin Kline

    Kevin Kline

    Sam Harris

  5. Mary Steenburgen

    Mary Steenburgen

    Diana Boyle

  6. Jerry Ferrara

    Jerry Ferrara


  7. Romany Malco

    Romany Malco


  8. Roger Bart

    Roger Bart


  9. Joanna Gleason

    Joanna Gleason

    Miriam Harris

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Vegas
Last Vegas

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