Illyasviel von Einzbern is an ordinary elementary school student who becomes a magical girl when the magical Kaleidostick Ruby deems her a more suitable master than the sorceress, Rin Tohsaka. Rin, who had been tasked by the wizard Zelretch to collect the seven Class Cards containing the spirits of Heroic Spirits from legend, finds that she is unable to change Ruby's mind and must supervise Illya in completing the task of collecting the Class Cards. During Illya's adventures, she receives a friend and rival in a girl named Miyu, the contracted master of the Kaleidostick Sapphire, which similarly abandoned its original master and Rin's rival, Luvia Edelfelt.
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Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!
Illya and the gang have finished their battle against the heroic spirit residing in the eighth class card. They're back in vacation mode again, looking to make the most of what they have left of summer break. But their hopes get crushed in the blink of an eye. An all-too-unrealistic silhouette appears before them when they go to investigate the strange event at Mount Enzō. After a short skirmish, the entire space ends up being warped. Illya wakes up in a wintry Fuyuki City... in a parallel world. This is the world where Miyu was born and raised.
Original Name Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ
Status Ended
Type Scripted
Original Language Japanese
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Almost there...
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