The Movie Database Support

TV has been brought out of the private preview and is now available for everyone to see.

Please read the information below.

Please understand that this is indeed a preview. While there was plenty I could test while I was developing this feature on TMDb, being stuck in a vacuum like that can only expose so many things. If you find a bug please report it on this thread.

What I would like you guys to do is search for your favourite shows and look through the data that was imported. We're still importing data in the background so not all of your favourite shows will be here yet. This import is expected to take a few more days still (as of October 10, 2013). Please do not report missing shows until I have said the import is done.

When you're looking through things, there's one primary thing I would like you to keep an eye out for and that is, shows that should clearly have a season or more but don't. There was a small issue that seems to have affected a percentage of shows (I think around 2%) where their seasons were not imported. Please report those below.

What can you help with?

The data that was imported is real world editable data. If you see an error, fix it. This is the point of giving you guys access. With more of you trying to edit different things we'll discover the bugs and issues faster. There's a list of known issues below.

Known Issues / Pending Features

  • LH-545 - Series/season/episode image upload dialogs don't show the right content

Closed Issues

  • LH-568 - Add the ability to add new TV shows
  • LH-546 - Write TV documentation
  • LH-542 - Credits are not yet sortable
  • LH-543 - TV credits do not yet show up on person pages
  • LH-544 - Favourite/watch list items are not viewable within your account
  • LH-548 - Seasons without a season number are not deletable
  • LH-549 - Season release dates aren't always saving
  • LH-550 - Season names are being saved lowercase
  • LH-551 - Adding a new cast member with the "add to every season" checked doesn't add them
  • LH-555 - Create a page to view a persons TV credits from a series page
  • LH-554 - Fix the ability to add episodes, improve cast callbacks
  • LH-556 - Restore the ability to add new seasons
  • LH-559 - Guest star character names are not editable
  • LH-558 - Show TV credits in the person search drop downs and known for credits in TV cast and crew pages
  • LH-579 - Allow the creation of new people via the TV edit dialogs

Import Status

The initial import of data for all 60,522 shows is complete.

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I'd really like to try TV!


Yes please, I'll need to update my Java wrapper quickly :)

Me too.... But keep Stuart out lol! :)

I'd like to try as well!

The import is running but is expected to take a number of days (we have around 60,000 shows pending import). I'll update you guys once I have enough data in here to play with. Thanks!

Nice, would love to get a preview. Will this be part of themoviedb or a new site? :)

Will this be part of themoviedb or a new site? :)

It's going to be part of TMDb.

Best news ever!

I will be really happy if I could try it.

Thank you!

It would be nice to get a preview :)

Would love early access, cheers!

Hey guys,

I've enabled the preview access to those of you above. If you search for or try to access TV links like The Big Bang Theory it should work for you now.

I updated my initial thread with some information, please read it.

If you post a bug or issue and see someone else report the same thing, there's no need to mention it over and over ;)

Was excited to test it out, but I'm getting 401—Unauthorized :(

I logged out and back in, but no luck.

Sorry, try now. Paszt, I added you too.

Red Dwarf (326) has no seasons, there should be 10

This is somethig i was waiting on, very nice :) I would like to have acces

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