Wonder Boy (2019)

NR 04/15/2020 (US) Documentary 1h 39m
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Olivier Rousteing, in search of his true identity


At age 25, Olivier Rousteing was named the creative director of the French luxury fashion house, Balmain. At the time, Rousteing was a relatively unknown designer, but in the decade since, he’s proven his business prowess and artistic instinct by leading Balmain to new heights. Wonderboy gives the viewer the rare opportunity to experience the inner sanctum of the fashion world, as we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with this extraordinary individual while he works.

  1. Anissa Bonnefont

    Director, Writer

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Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy

Original Title Wonder Boy, Olivier Rousteing, né sous X

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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