Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance (2018)

R 06/13/2019 (US) MysteryThrillerHorrorAdventure 1h 46m
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Soon after Gogol's death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on the Gogol's body, while Vakula's daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol's demise.

  1. Egor Baranov


  2. Alexey Chupov


  3. Natalya Merkulova


  4. Aleksandr Tsekalo


Top Billed Cast

  1. Alexander Petrov

    Alexander Petrov

    Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

  2. Oleg Menshikov

    Oleg Menshikov

    Yakov Petrovich Guro - investigator

  3. Evgeniy Stychkin

    Evgeniy Stychkin

    Binkh - investigator

  4. Taisiya Vilkova

    Taisiya Vilkova

    Elizaveta Andreevna Danishevskaya - Countess

  5. Yuliya Frants

    Yuliya Frants


  6. Artyom Tkachenko

    Artyom Tkachenko

    Aleksey Danishevskiy - Count, husband of Lisa

  7. Yan Tsapnik

    Yan Tsapnik

    Bomgart - doctor

  8. Artem Suchkov

    Artem Suchkov

    Тесак (писарь)

  9. Yevgeni Syty

    Yevgeni Syty


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance
Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance

Original Title Гоголь. Страшная месть

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue $7,141,571.00


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