Über Jo Koy: Live from Seattle diskutieren

Item: Jo Koy: Live from Seattle

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Not sure how to credit Jon D'Uva. The on screen credit is "Recorded & Mixed by Jon D'Uva". imdb credits it as "re-recording mixer / sound recordist".

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@tmdb24407783 wrote:

Item: Jo Koy: Live from Seattle
Language: en-US
Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Thanks for your report/question! slight_smile

Extra Details: Not sure how to credit Jon D'Uva. The on screen credit is "Recorded & Mixed by Jon D'Uva". imdb credits it as "re-recording mixer / sound recordist".

On his website, he calls himself an

"Audio Engineer & Mixer
Music, Comedy, & Spoken Word
Live Multitrack Recording, Broadcast & Post Production"

Which means he usually seems to work both as a "Sound Recordist" / "Sound Mixer" on location as well as a "Sound Re-Recording Mixer" in the post production studio. About the difference, here:


Since we don't really know (and probably won't find out easily) what he did for this title, exactly -> I would credit him in the same way IMDb did (assuming he might have added it himself or his agency did). loud_sound

What i really meant to say was, I don't know how to credit the "recorded"/ "re-recording mixer". Nothing comes up.

@tmdb24407783 wrote:

What i really meant to say was, I don't know how to credit the "recorded"/ "re-recording mixer". Nothing comes up.

Oh, sorry. face_palm_tone3

The job label is "Sound Re-Recording Mixer" here on TMDb.

Here's a full list of all currently existing job labels on TMDb - in case you're looking for something else in the future. grin

@janar72 said: Here's a full list of all currently existing job labels on TMDb - in case you're looking for something else in the future. grin

The page you linked is no longer available. Is the list still on TMDB?

@Pentameron wrote:

The page you linked is no longer available. Is the list still on TMDB?

Yes, the list is still on TMDb, but moderator @Banana set the topic to private back in May 2020. I'm not sure why it was set to private?!? In my opinion, there's no reason for doing that ... at least I don't see any. That's why I set it back to public, and the link above should work again for you and everybody else. For your information -> this list includes all currently existing job labels here on TMDb!

If you can't find a proper job label in this list for people you want to credit now, you can request them to be added. The topic for future job requests is here:


There's already a huge "Master List" of suggestions in this topic, added and updated by moderator @Torq00. I'm not sure when it was updated the last time (March or December 2019) -> but here's the post with the list of suggestions:


However, you have to wait until staff admin @Travis finds the time to add all those new suggestions to TMDb. The last time he added job labels was back in May 2018. So, it might take some time ...

Also, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of tiny mistakes in the current job list - it's a big mess! see_no_evil

I'm not sure why it was set to private?!? In my opinion, there's no reason for doing that ... at least I don't see any.

I marked it as private after a user made a crew job request on it. It's a duplicate of the crew jobs masterlist anyway.

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