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In Harm's Way (1965)

NR 04/06/1965 (US) WarDrama 2h 45m
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Stripped of everything - they lived and loved and fought as if there were no tomorrow...


A naval officer reprimanded after Pearl Harbor is later promoted to rear admiral and gets a second chance to prove himself against the Japanese.

  1. Otto Preminger


  2. James Bassett


  3. Wendell Mayes


Top Billed Cast

  1. John Wayne

    John Wayne

    Capt. Rockwell Torrey

  2. Kirk Douglas

    Kirk Douglas

    Commander Paul Eddington, Jr.

  3. Patricia Neal

    Patricia Neal

    Lt. Maggie Hayes

  4. Tom Tryon

    Tom Tryon

    Mac McConnell

  5. Paula Prentiss

    Paula Prentiss

    Beverly McConnell

  6. Brandon De Wilde

    Brandon De Wilde

    Ens. Jeremiah 'Jere' Torrey

  7. Jill Haworth

    Jill Haworth

    Ens. Annalee Dorne

  8. Dana Andrews

    Dana Andrews

    Admiral Broderick

  9. Stanley Holloway

    Stanley Holloway

    Clayton Canfil

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

In Harm's Way
In Harm's Way

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $4,200,000.00

Revenue -


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