Paris Follies (2014)

TP 06/11/2014 (FR) Comedy 1h 38m
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Long married 50-somethings Brigitte and Xavier are prize cattle breeders in regional France. Life is good, but the departure of their children from home has thrown Brigitte’s world into flux, as she finds herself locked into routine. She keeps hoping for something else, something more. A party held by students on the adjoining property accelerates this latent crisis and Brigitte impulsively sets off for Paris under the guise of a doctor’s appointment. The city immediately invigorates her, and when she meets a charming Danish gentleman, she impulsively allows herself to be flattered by his attentions…

  1. Marc Fitoussi

    Director, Screenplay

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Paris Follies
Paris Follies

Original Title La Ritournelle

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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