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Woman's World (1954)

09/30/1954 (US) Drama 1h 34m
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The Worldy Story of Three Deadly Females and the Men in Their Lives!


Needing to fill the position of general manager of his company, and believing that an executive's wife is crucial to her husband's success, auto industry mogul Gifford brings three couples to New York to size up: Jerry and Carol: he hard-driven and self-reliant, she willing to use her beauty to further her husband's career; Sid and Elizabeth, he ulcer-ridden and torn between achieving success and restoring their troubled marriage, she positive that his job will kill him, but gamely agreeing to play the good wife for the duration; and down-to-earth Bill, whose good-natured Katie fears that his promotion would spell the end of their idyllic familiy existence.

  1. Jean Negulesco


  2. Mona Williams


  3. Russel Crouse


  4. Richard Sale


  5. Howard Lindsay


  6. Mary Loos


  7. Claude Binyon


Top Billed Cast

  1. Clifton Webb

    Clifton Webb

    Ernest Gifford

  2. June Allyson

    June Allyson

    Katie Baxter

  3. Cornel Wilde

    Cornel Wilde

    Bill Baxter

  4. Lauren Bacall

    Lauren Bacall

    Elizabeth Burns

  5. Fred MacMurray

    Fred MacMurray

    Sid Burns

  6. Van Heflin

    Van Heflin

    Jerry Talbot

  7. Arlene Dahl

    Arlene Dahl

    Carol Talbot

  8. Elliott Reid

    Elliott Reid

    Tony Andrews

  9. Margalo Gillmore

    Margalo Gillmore

    Mrs. Evelyn Andrews

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Woman's World
Woman's World

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