24Seven (2001)

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24Seven is a British television series that ran from 2001 to 2002, and aired on the cable network The N in the United States, and in the UK on CITV. The show focused on a group of students living at Discovery House, a dorm at the Oaks boarding school. Many of the storylines centered around the love triangle involving Miles Silverstone, his girlfriend Anya Vicenze, and his brother Chris, who had an eye for Anya. Another major plotline was that of Tally's "celeb" mother, whom Tally constantly boasted about but who never came to visit. Another major plotline was that of Bethan and the County running team and qualifying for it.

Series Cast

  1. Fiona Wade

    Anya Vicenze

    26 Episodes

  2. Royce Cronin

    Chris Silverstone

    26 Episodes

  3. Augustus Prew as Drew Jessup

    Augustus Prew

    Drew Jessup

    26 Episodes

  4. Jordan Frieda

    Miles Silverstone

    26 Episodes

  5. Sadie Pickering as Bethan Davis

    Sadie Pickering

    Bethan Davis

    26 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2

2002 • 13 Episodes

Season 2 of 24Seven premiered on September 4, 2002.

Present Tense

(2x13, November 27, 2002) Season Finale

View All Seasons

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Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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