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Rooted in the conflict between characters connected to the deity Santa Muerte and others allied with the Devil, this saga explores an exciting mix of the supernatural and the combustible reality of 1938 Los Angeles, a time and place deeply infused with Mexican-American folklore and social tension.

  1. John Logan


Series Cast

  1. Natalie Dormer as Magda

    Natalie Dormer


    10 Episodes

  2. Daniel Zovatto as Tiago Vega

    Daniel Zovatto

    Tiago Vega

    10 Episodes

  3. Kerry Bishé as Sister Molly

    Kerry Bishé

    Sister Molly

    10 Episodes

  4. Adriana Barraza as Maria Vega

    Adriana Barraza

    Maria Vega

    10 Episodes

  5. Jessica Garza as Josefina Vega

    Jessica Garza

    Josefina Vega

    10 Episodes

  6. Michael Gladis as Charlton Townsend

    Michael Gladis

    Charlton Townsend

    10 Episodes

  7. Johnathan Nieves as Mateo Vega

    Johnathan Nieves

    Mateo Vega

    10 Episodes

  8. Rory Kinnear as Dr. Peter Craft

    Rory Kinnear

    Dr. Peter Craft

    10 Episodes

  9. Nathan Lane as Lewis Michener

    Nathan Lane

    Lewis Michener

    10 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1


2020 • 10 Episodes

When a grisly murder shocks Los Angeles in 1938, Detective Tiago Vega and his partner Lewis Michener become embroiled in an epic story that reflects the rich history of the city: from the building of the city's first freeways and its deep traditions of Mexican-American folklore, to the dangerous espionage actions of the Third Reich and the rise of radio evangelism. Before long, Tiago and his family are grappling with powerful forces that threaten to tear them apart.

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Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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