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Good Girls (2018)

TV-14 ComedyDramaCrime
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Three "good girl" suburban wives and mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.

  1. Jenna Bans


Series Cast

  1. Christina Hendricks as Beth Boland

    Christina Hendricks

    Beth Boland

    50 Episodes

  2. Retta as Ruby Hill


    Ruby Hill

    50 Episodes

  3. Mae Whitman as Annie Marks

    Mae Whitman

    Annie Marks

    50 Episodes

  4. Reno Wilson as Stan Hill

    Reno Wilson

    Stan Hill

    50 Episodes

  5. Manny Montana as Rio

    Manny Montana


    50 Episodes

  6. Lidya Jewett as Sara Hill

    Lidya Jewett

    Sara Hill

    50 Episodes

  7. Isaiah Stannard as Ben Marks and Sadie Marks

    Isaiah Stannard

    Ben Marks, Sadie Marks

    50 Episodes

  8. Matthew Lillard as Dean Boland

    Matthew Lillard

    Dean Boland

    50 Episodes

  9. Everleigh McDonell as Jane Boland

    Everleigh McDonell

    Jane Boland

    26 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 4


2021 • 16 Episodes

Season 4 of Good Girls premiered on March 7, 2021.


(4x16, July 22, 2021) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Good Girls
Good Girls


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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