Jaksot 12


Episódio 1

13 tammikuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick find out that their series has been renewed, an encounter shakes Denis’s beliefs, and Patrick is determined to fix things with Lea.

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Episódio 2

20 tammikuu 201443m

Denis finally manages to convince himself of the merits of his new approach and Patrick risks taking some daring advice from Jean-Guy.

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Episódio 3

27 tammikuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick are enthusiastic to get to the police station. Never has the world of justice seemed so accessible to them.

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Episódio 4

3 helmikuu 201443m

Denis approaches Marc Arcand, Patrick is surprised by his quick ascent in Bruno’s organization, and the two screenwriters learn some shocking news.

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Episódio 5

10 helmikuu 201443m

Determined to save their jobs, Denis and Patrick visit their producer but her reaction puts their friendship to the test.

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Episódio 6

17 helmikuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick hide out in a motel. Denis continues his showings with Lea, Patrick tries to get his job back and Ricky complicates everything.

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Episódio 7

24 helmikuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick call Judith. The two screenwriters think of a way to communicate during the investigation and Judith uncovers a piece of evidence.

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Episódio 8

3 maaliskuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick try to find out more about the mysterious fat woman and discover the shocking motives behind Bruno’s criminal organization.

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Episódio 9

10 maaliskuu 201443m

Caroline threatens to pack her bags. Denis and Patrick plead with her to stay. The pursuit of Marlin and Marc Arcand pique a journalist’s interest.

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Episódio 10

17 maaliskuu 201443m

Patrick and Denis plan on enjoying their weekend but it turns into a horror film. Will Judith tell the authorities that her daughter has disappeared?

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Episódio 11

24 maaliskuu 201443m

Patrick, still alive, celebrates with Charlène, but Denis puts a damper on his friend’s enthusiasm. Denis tries to confirm his doubts.

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Episódio 12

Season Finale
31 maaliskuu 201443m

Denis and Patrick try to continue writing their series. The two screenwriters discover that life is more implausible than even the wildest fiction.

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