Community Guidelines on TMDB

Things you should do...

  • Respect everyone, we're all here because we have something in common.
  • Be polite and welcoming to new users. We were all new once.
  • Ask for help and provide assistance to others when possible.
  • Offer constructive criticism or voice a dissenting opinion, but don't be mean or disrespectful.
  • Feel free to use use Emoji (Emoticons) to convey the tone of your message. :wink:
  • Lead by example. Treat others even better than you expect to be treated yourself and the discussions become a better place for everyone.

Things you should not do...

  • Do not share or ask for links to copyrighted, non-fair use material.
  • Do not share any NSFW* content (e.g. links, images, text etc.) on your profile or in forum discussions.
  • Trolling, abuse, flaming and/or harassment (e.g. personal attacks, name-calling and/or insulting/ridiculing another user) are uncalled for and will not be tolerated. Have discussions based on well-formulated arguments.
  • Do not post spam** or advertisements on TMDB.
  • Double posting is frowned upon. Please edit your first post unless a second post is absolutely necessary.
  • Impersonating another user of TMDB by copying their name and/or avatar is not allowed. Just be your charming self.

General site rules

Offensive or distasteful usernames are unnecessary and will either be changed or banned. One account per person is enough. Multiples are unnecessary and will be banned and/or removed. But most importantly; "Be nice or go home!"

[*] Content that might be considered offensive or too sexually explicit for the wide range of age groups within the TMDB user base. This includes, but is not limited to: erotic (e.g. nudity, implied sexual acts), excessively violent (e.g. gore, torture), bigoted (irrationally hateful content aimed at, or relating to, a group or individual) and harmful (e.g. those flashing seizure images) content.

[**] Content lacking any purpose or relevance whatsoever; off-topic posts that derail a thread from its original topic.

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s focus the search bar
p abrir menu do perfil
esc close an open window
? open keyboard shortcut window

Em páginas de Média

b go back (or to parent when applicable)
e ir para a página de edição

Em Páginas de Temporadas de Séries

(seta para a direita) ir para a próxima temporada
(seta para a esquerda) ir para a temporada anterior

Em Páginas de Episódios de Séries

(seta para a direita) ir para o próximo episódio
(seta para a esquerda) ir para o episódio anterior

Em Todas as Páginas de Imagens

a abrir janela para adicionar imagem

Em Todas as Páginas de Edição

t open translation selector
ctrl+ s submit form

Em Páginas de Discussão

n criar uma nova discussão
w toggle watching status
p toggle public/private
c toggle close/open
a abrir actividade
r reply to discussion
l ir para a última resposta
ctrl+ enter submit your message
(seta para a direita) página seguinte
(seta para a esquerda) página anterior


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