דון על Fear the Walking Dead

I want to get into this show but I just cannot unless the zombies get scarier or there is a evil bad guy like in The Walking Dead.

19 תגובות (בדף 1 מתוך 2)

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העמוד הבאדף אחרון

Well, we do have the sociopath brother.......

Oh? Now that sounds infinitely more interesting. How many episodes is this sociopath brother in?

Troy, the guy who got shivved in the eye by Maddie. He appears t be a series regular. His brother made comments about him being a known problem as a child and that he had to be withdrawn from school. He has graduated to executing people to watch them turn. Sounds like a full on sociopath to me.

What does he do with the turned bodies?

Well, first, he times the dead people to record how long it takes them to turn. Then, I think he was writing down the time that it took on the walkers' foreheads, after putting them out of their misery.



There will be new villains. There's a group of bad guys threatening Strand in the trailer, but we haven't met them yet.

Episode 2 has good zombie moments. I watched both episodes on amc.com, it's free to watch.

Looks like the same tired ass scenario from the previous seasons.

Put up or shut up.

Lol! That's what I should tell the creators of this show. Zombies are supposed to be scary. People are already scary as it is and there are so many movies having characters that do scary things.

You can outrun them by walking briskly. How scary can they be?

grin Well, if one manages to get a hold of you, then probably pretty scary.

Remember to ZIG ZAG!

laughing I think that's for bullets.

@MisandryMermaid said:

You can outrun them by walking briskly. How scary can they be?

Slow moving zombies are so meh. Lol

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