Afleveringen 65


Monster meer

5 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget redt Professor Frankin, 's werelds beste wetenschapper, van een ontvoering door dr. Claw.

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Bij de boederij

6 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget en Penny gaan op vakantie in het land wanneer ze een telefoontje krijgen van de Chef dat dr. Claw een experimentele raket heeft gestolen en plant om Metro Stad te vernietigen. Gadget moet de boerderij vinden waar de G.E.K. installatie ligt, en de raket vernietigen voordat dr. Claw het in handen krijgt om de stad te vernietigen.

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Gadget bij het circus

7 september 198322m

De G.E.K. agenten die proberen het circus te vernietigen zijn niet zo goed als Inspecteur Gadget, Penny en Chef Quimby.

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De Amazone

8 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget weerhoudt dr. Claw ervan om de vader van modern bionetische wetenschap te ontvoeren, Professor Von Slicksfein.

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9 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget houdt dr. Claw's plan om hem te vernietigen tegen, terwijl hij op vakantie is op een gezondheidsspa.

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De boot

12 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadgets undercover taak vindt plaats op een luxe boot waar de rijkste mensen van de wereld op vakantie zijn. Zijn missie is om dr. Claw te weerhouden hun juwelen te stelen.

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Bezeten kasteel

13 september 198322m

Dr. Claw probeert een conventie tegen criminelen te saboteren die wordt gehouden in Graaf Dracula's huis in Transylvania.

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Race naar de finish

14 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget houdt dr. Claws tegen, die plant om een race te winnen waarbij het prijzengeld een miljoen dollar is.

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De robijn

15 september 198322m

Dr. Claw steelt de grote rode robijn van India om te gebruike nin zijn superlaser om de communicatiesatellieten van de VS te vernietigen. Inspecteur Gadget en Brain overwinnen de robijn en brengen die terug waar hij hoort, in India.

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De verdwenen ster

16 september 198322m

Een beroemde rokster, Rick Rocker, raakt gewond terwijl hij door Inspecteur Gadget wordt beschermd. Terwijl Rick Rocker herstelt in het ziekenhuis, gaat Inspecteur Gadget verder in zijn plaats.

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Alles dat glittert

19 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget, met de hulp van zijn nichtje Penny, houdt de G.E.K. agenten tegen die goud proberen te stelen van de eeuenoude Stad van God en vinden een echte gouden tempel.

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20 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget speelt een ridder, in een rol met de beroemde Lana Lamour (een undercover G.E.K. agent), in een G.E.K. film. Hij voorkomt dat militaire geheimen in de handen van G.E.K. vallen.

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21 september 198322m

G.E.K. Agenten hebben een bom in het amusementspark in Metro Stad verstopt. Met de bom die over een half uur afgaat, houdt G.E.K. de stad gegijzeld. Inspecteur Gadget moet de bom vinden.

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Gestolen kunst

22 september 198322m

Terwijl hij New York bezoekt, moeten Inspecteur Gadget en Penny samen dr. Claw ervan weerhouden kunst te stelen uit het Museum van Moderne Kunst.

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Vulkaan Eiland (Gadget gaat naar Hawaii)

23 september 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget, Penny en Brain zijn op vakantie op een tropisch eiland, en vechten met dr. Claws mechanische haai en neppe vulcaan.

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De invasie

26 september 198323m

Inspecteur Gadget, Chef Quimby en Penny vechten tegen G.E.K. Wanneer ze zichzelf proberen te vermommen als Martians.

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De infiltratie

27 september 198323m

G.E.K. agent, Presto Verander-0, doet Inspecteur Gadget na in een geheime vergadering. Chef Quimby en Penny stoppen hun kwade plannen.

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Inspecteur Gadget, Penny en Brain beschermen de Poot-Ta-Foots schat, van de kwade handen van G.E.K.

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Maffe val

29 september 198322m

Bedoeld om Inspecteur Gadget te vernietigen, lokt dr. Claw hem met een reeks kleine misdaden en plant een grote, om de bemoeienis van Inspecteur Gadget voor eens en altijd te stoppen.

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30 september 198322m

Chief Quimby, Penny en Inspecteur Gadget redden de geheime computerdelen uit de handen van G.E.K., terwijl ze racen door een hogesnelheidstrein.

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3 oktober 198323m

Dr. Claw heeft een slaapgas ontwikkeld op een onbewoond eiland. Inspecteur Gadget moet deze kwade uitvinding vernietigen.

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Gadgets vervanging

4 oktober 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget houdt een plan van G.E.K. Tegen, die Chef Quimbys misdaadgolfcomputer willen hacken.

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5 oktober 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget stopt het kwade plan van Waldo, een G.E.K. Agent die Groenevingers geheimen formule wil stelen om planeten te vergroten.

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Gadget gaat het naar Westen

6 oktober 198322m

Inspecteur Gadget vernietig G.E.K.'s plannen voor een Westerse basis in het Wilde Weste Toeristendorp.

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7 oktober 198322m

G.E.K. Agenten saboteren een VS riumteveer door een bom aan boord te leggen. Inspecteur Gadget stopt G.E.K.'s plannen en redt de ruimteveer.

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Foto safari (Zwarte Duivel)

10 oktober 198322m

Terwijl Inspecteur Gadget, Penny en Brain op reis zijn in Afrika, ontdekken ze dat G.E.K's agenten wilde dieren gebruiken om dorpelingen weg te jagen, en dat ze een misdaadsbasis opzetten in de Jungle. Inspecteur Gadget onderzoekt de situatie.

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The Coo-Coo-Clock Caper

11 oktober 198323m

While Gadget is searching Switzerland for stolen gold, Penny runs afoul of the murderous M.A.D. Agent, The Clockmaker.

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The Bermuda Triangle

12 oktober 198322m

Ships are vanishing in the Bermuda Triangle, but the seemingly supernatural aspects of the disappearances are subterfuge by Dr. Claw, who is using an enormous machine to swallow oil tankers and ransack them.

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The Japanese Connection

13 oktober 198323m

Penny won a computer contest and is in Japan helping her local counterpart, Atsuko, to foil an alliance between Dr. Claw and his Japanese counterpart, Iji Waruda-san.

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Arabian Nights

14 oktober 198322m

Gadget is sent to the wealthy Middle-Eastern kingdom of Yetzanistan to safeguard a sacred sword.

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Clear Case

17 oktober 198323m

South African diamond miners are terrorized by a ghost who is actually a M.A.D. scientist using diamond dust to create invisibility suits.

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Dutch Treat

18 oktober 198322m

Inspector Gadget hunts for diamond smugglers in the land of tulips and chocolate.

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The Great Divide

19 oktober 198322m

Gadget visits the Balkans to stop a war between a tribe of super-strong men and super-strong women while Dr. Claw tries to steal the potion that gives them their uncanny strength.

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Eye of the Dragon

20 oktober 198322m

Gadget is sent to Hong Kong to recover the priceless jewel the Eye of the Dragon and foil an alliance between Dr. Claw and Hong Kong's crime-lord Mr. Chow.

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Doubled Agent

21 oktober 198322m

M.A.D. engineers an android replica of Inspector Gadget that is used to steal from Metro City's banks in order to have the real Gadget framed for armed-robbery. With our hero wrongfully incarcerated, Dr. Claw sets his sights on kidnapping the Shah of Freeland and demanding a hefty ransom for his release.

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Plantform of the Opera

24 oktober 198322m

M.A.D. agents use an opera house as cover to tunnel into a bank vault while protected by a killer man-eating plant.

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Don't Hold Your Breath

25 oktober 198323m

Inspector Gadget is assigned to look into a case of some missing oceanographers who were searching for an undersea city when they disappeared.

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Gone Went the Wind

26 oktober 198323m

A M.A.D. scientist at the North Pole creates a machine to cause windstorms all over the globe.

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King Wrong

27 oktober 198322m

In the far-off country of Pianostan, the people remain happy as long as their King is miserable. But M.A.D. has been ensuring that the King is happy in order to disrupt the peace, so Inspector Gadget is sent out to investigate. To further complicate matters, the King looks exactly like the Inspector!

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Pirate Island

28 oktober 198322m

Inspector Gadget, Penny, and Brain are on vacation in the Caribbean. But before they've had a chance to get any serious R & R on Gadget's dilapidated old rust-bucket of a boat, duty calls and Inspector Gadget is back to work.

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M.A.D. Academy

31 oktober 198323m

Gadget is assigned to find and shut down M.A.D.'s training center for its agents and Dr. Claw decides eliminating Gadget will make a good class project for the latest batch of recruits.

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No Flies on Us

1 november 198322m

In Malaysia, the Wild Man of Borneo (a M.A.D. scientist), has both derived a virus from flies and concocted its antidote. A head-cold-suffering Gadget must stop Dr. Claw's plan to turn everyone on the planet into babbling, bubble-blowing imbeciles.

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Luck of the Irish

2 november 198322m

Gadget heads to Ireland to locate the Blarney Stone, "The national treasure of Ireland," when it's stolen by M.A.D. agents. While plotting to use a laser cannon to slice up the Stone and smuggle it out of the country, Dr. Claw dispatches the quarrelsome O'Shea Brothers to eliminate Gadget.

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Prince of the Gypsies

3 november 198322m

Dr. Claw tries to frame the gypsies of Freedonia for the theft of the Royal Coat of Arms. So Gadget investigates the gypsies while Penny and her new friend, Anya, try to find the real thief.

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Old Man of the Mountain

4 november 198322m

M.A.D. has abducted a prominent seismologist, who is coerced by Dr. Claw to construct a machine capable of generating deadly earthquakes upon the world. Gadget's case takes him deep within the Rocky Mountains, where his misadventures are compounded by a M.A.D. ranger agent and a grizzled, gold-crazed prospector.

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The Emerald Duck

7 november 198322m

Gadget heads for Mexico, where he must stop "The oldest Mayan artifact known to exist," the Emerald Duck, from falling into the hands of a M.A.D. agent -- a Mexican bandit named Macho Miguel. The Emerald Duck is the key to activating a powerful and ancient weapon.

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Do Unto Udders

8 november 198322m

M.A.D. utilizes satellite waves to cause local cows to stop producing milk, forcing consumers to purchase milk from "New Foods Dairy" (a M.A.D. front).

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Did You Myth Me?

9 november 198322m

A M.A.D. scientist tries to steal an ancient Greek scroll said to hold the secret of turning lead into gold.

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A Bad Altitude

10 november 198322m

Dr. Claw intends to sink most of an island so that his (currently) mountaintop resort will become the only hotel on "M.A.D. Island".

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Funny Money

11 november 198322m

M.A.D. has enlisted the aid of the incarcerated Funny Money counterfeiting gang in a plot to generate millions upon millions of bogus dollars for Dr. Claw to use in his dirty work. Two of the gang's three members manage to escape from prison in order to set up shop, while the last and most talented member, a visually-challenged man named Squint, must be up to the arduous task of bumping off Gadget when he comes to the jail to investigate the break-out.

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Follow That Jet

14 november 198323m

Dr. Claw begins making US Airforce jets disappear so that he can create his own private M.A.D. airforce.

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Dry Spell

15 november 198323m

A M.A.D. agent and his Blue Trolls causes a drought in Metro City by cutting off the city's mountain water resources.

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16 november 198323m

Dr. Claw creates a ray that turns gold into smelly cheese, planning to change it back once the government empties Fort Knox of the foul smelling stuff.

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Quimby Exchange

17 november 198323m

Gadget is assigned to protect "Nervous Nick" Defecto, a former M.A.D. agent, from Dr. Claw's wrath. In revenge, Dr. Claw takes Chief Quimby hostage and offers him in exchange for his wayward agent.

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Weather In Tibet

18 november 198322m

Penny teams up with a Tibetan boy to destroy a M.A.D. weather control machine while her uncle blunders around as usual.

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21 november 198323m

Gadget must put a stop to M.A.D.'s latest plot for global domination, which involves the kidnapping of the world's leading solar scientists and coercing them to design and construct a solar-powered heat cannon at the grounds of mysterious Stonehenge.

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Snakin' All Over

22 november 198323m

A M.A.D. agent intends to use his pet snakes to steal a valuable coin collection.

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In Seine

23 november 198323m

In Paris a M.A.D. agent uses a robot to rob the rich and famous.

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Tree Guesses

24 november 198322m

Dr. Claw has concocted a chemical compound that decomposes wood at an accelerated rate, which he threatens to unleash upon the world's forests in exchange for a hefty ransom.

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Birds of a Feather

25 november 198323m

In Turkey a M.A.D. agent uses his birds to steal a very valuable gemstone from an exhibition.

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So it is Written

28 november 198323m

Gadget arrives in an Arabian country where he is believed to be the prophesied one who will find a long lost treasure cave. Dr. Claw is eager to let his old enemy lead him to the treasure before eliminating him.

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Fang the Wonder Dog

29 november 198322m

Dr. Claw tries to abduct movie star "Fang the Wonder Dog" from the set of his latest film so he can ransom him.

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School for Pickpockets

30 november 198323m

Gadget must foil Dr. Claw's plans to steal his new Gadget watch, and close down the school for pickpockets.

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Season Finale
1 december 198322m

A slick game show host mesmerizes contestants when they enter his TV program's sealed "21"-like booth, which is outfitted with hypnotic lights. The contestants are then commanded to rob banks and turn over the stolen loot to Dr. Claw. Gadget investigates, but becomes another victim of the hypnosis.

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Gadget in Winterland

2 december 198322m

Gadget goes to the Winterland Resort where the world's athletes are gathered for the opening of the Olympic games. Dr.Claw tries to ruin the Olympics by replacing the torch bearer with a M.A.D. Agent and replacing the torch with dynamite.

NOTE: This was a re-worked version of the pilot episode "Winter Olympics". Some of the dialogue was re-dubbed to address the purpose of Gadget's mustache, and the standard season 1 opening and ending credits were used.

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