بحث The Sinner

Wow. Had no idea how good this would be. Wish it was on Netflix so I could binge it.

19 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 2)

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Couldn't agree more, it's been forever since I felt this way about a pilot. I will see this to the end for sure. Jessica really impressed too, Emmy worthy performance.

Just finished the pilot. I have so many questions!

@jeninga75 said:

Just finished the pilot. I have so many questions!

I know! The whole episode I'm trying to predict what's going on and then they throw you a little breadcrumb that makes you rethink everything. I hope this show becomes popular because I don't want it to get cancelled before we know what happens.

Great show! USA describes it as a "limited 8 episode Summer series" so we don't have to worry about cancellation smiley

Would so love to be able to binge it.

I'm really enjoying this show. I just finished DVRing the second episode, so I'll watch it tomorrow. But so far it's excellent. I knew there had to be more to things than "She just snapped." I want to see how these people are connected.

@cswood said:

Wow. Had no idea how good this would be. Wish it was on Netflix so I could binge it.

I'm enjoying it so far as well, looking forward to how they flesh out Pullman's character.

@cswood said:

Wow. Had no idea how good this would be. Wish it was on Netflix so I could binge it.

I'm on episode 2 and it's really good!! I read it's limited series which seems to be the trend with tv this year. Have you seen Ozark it was great

OMG Ozark was amazing. Jason Bateman is insane in this.

@jeninga75 said:

OMG Ozark was amazing. Jason Bateman is insane in this.

Yes he was!!! I just love him. He was fantastic and to star and direct the show was amazing

@jeninga75 said:

OMG Ozark was amazing. Jason Bateman is insane in this.


Never heard of Ozark. Yes, this show though is only 8 episodes. I'm really enjoying it, and yes, poor Cora. Her mother is insane and it explains a lot about Cora. I wish though that I could say I'm surprised by the mother's behavior. This to me is more normal than someone telling me a mother is supposed to be loving and caring. A mother who blames her child for everything and insists that everything is the child's fault is more normal to me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the next episode.

@Satai Delenn said:

Never heard of Ozark. Yes, this show though is only 8 episodes. I'm really enjoying it, and yes, poor Cora. Her mother is insane and it explains a lot about Cora. I wish though that I could say I'm surprised by the mother's behavior. This to me is more normal than someone telling me a mother is supposed to be loving and caring. A mother who blames her child for everything and insists that everything is the child's fault is more normal to me.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the next episode.

Dude you're really freaking me out. So much pain in those words. I wish there was a PM section on this board 😟

@Satai Delenn said:

I wish though that I could say I'm surprised by the mother's behavior. This to me is more normal than someone telling me a mother is supposed to be loving and caring. A mother who blames her child for everything and insists that everything is the child's fault is more normal to me.

cry I hope you don't mind me sending you a big hug hugging

Lol, thanks guys. I'm just venting and giving my point of view. I had a lot of bad emotional crap occur in my life as a kid, teen, and young adult. I've finally managed to get away from the people who hurt me for the most part, and I'm actually a lot better now. I just tend to vent a lot now and when I see someone getting treated badly by their family and they don't do anything to defend themselves or their spouse, and instead defend their abuser (whether the abuser is emotional as in this case, or physical as in others), I understand it because I've been there. I was miserable for a VERY LONG TIME, and I'm working on it, and I have really good friends, and a good therapist, and I make small progress every day. And I do recognize that what my mother (and other family members) did to me on an emotional level was not right. But it's what happened, it can't be changed, and I just have to try and deal with it and move on. My therapist keeps telling me that I can't let what happened make a victim out of me because that's not a good place to be either. I'm trying to heed that (and my friends have told me the same thing) and I am trying to move past it, and doing the things I want to do instead of trying to live by "Mommie Dearest's" rules is definitely helping, but it's going to be a long, slow journey, and I recognize that while I will eventually get better, I will never be what society considers "normal." I'm OK with that. Who wants to be "normal?" Being different can be more fun at times, lol.

So please just take most of what I say with a grain of salt. As I said, most of the time I'm just venting.

Anyway, while I never (thankfully) went through what Cora went through, I do fully understand why she is as screwed up as she is, and just how much a mother can influence and impact their child's life in a really bad way, and just how long it can take to try and recover from that.

I'm hoping that in this series she is able to come to terms with what happened in her childhood and somehow get some psychological help (I'm not sure what's available in prison environment), and if she can't get professional help that at some point she'll be able to open up to SOMEONE she feels she can trust (which will be VERY difficult for her to do) and talk to them about it so she can get her repressed anger/bitterness/hate/hurt out and start to heal. But right now she's still at the self-punishment/blame stage and believes that she deserves what is happening to her.

I'm waiting for it to come out hat her mother caused those scars on her arms. I KNEW she hadn't done drugs. At least not voluntarily.

And @diadara (Jana. Sorry, the system changed your name) and @ScorpionQ2, thank you both for you compassion. It is greatly appreciated.

@Satai Delenn, I'm glad you're ok 😊 this is not a support group but I just want to say that I know exactly what you mean. After 43 years I cut off all ties with my mom and I've never felt lighter.

About Cora, I have a feeling she will start to trust Det. Ambrose eventually. She did hesitate at her plea as if she thought there was a chance, she knows he's investigating. Then my memory is a bit foggy. Did she look back at her parents before pleading guilty? Or was it her husband?

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