CHAOS (2011)

NR DramaComedy
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A comedic drama about a group of rogue CIA spies in the Office of Disruptive Services (ODS), who combat threats to national security amidst bureaucratic gridlock, rampant incompetence and political infighting.

Series Cast

  1. Freddy Rodríguez as Rick Martinez

    Freddy Rodríguez

    Rick Martinez

    13 Episodes

  2. Eric Close as Michael Dorset

    Eric Close

    Michael Dorset

    13 Episodes

  3. Tim Blake Nelson as Casey Malick

    Tim Blake Nelson

    Casey Malick

    13 Episodes

  4. James Murray as Billy Collins

    James Murray

    Billy Collins

    13 Episodes

  5. Kurtwood Smith as H.J. Higgins

    Kurtwood Smith

    H.J. Higgins

    13 Episodes

  6. Christina Cole as Adele Ferrer

    Christina Cole

    Adele Ferrer

    13 Episodes

  7. Carmen Ejogo as Fay Carson

    Carmen Ejogo

    Fay Carson

    13 Episodes

  8. Matthew Harrison as Higgins' Aide

    Matthew Harrison

    Higgins' Aide

    13 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1


2011 • 13 Episodes

Season 1 of CHAOS premiered on April 1, 2011.

Proof of Life

(1x13, July 16, 2011) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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