Jaksot 22


Mike's Awakening

30 syyskuu 199721m

Mike must spend a long time with a wealthy benefactor, leaving him with no time to deal with any others.

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Hello Todd, Hello Nancy, Goodbye Harley

7 lokakuu 199721m

Mike has his hands full with a new assistant minister, Todd Tucker, who counsels parishioners a bit too strictly by the Book for Mike's tastes. Also, a feisty, temporary-hire secretary with a lack of faith takes on the challenge of the church financial records. And if this weren't enough for any man, even a man of the cloth, to handle, Mike's pride and joy -- his vintage Harley Davidson motorcycle -- is stolen.

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The Lost Sheep Squadron

21 lokakuu 199721m

John Goodman guest stars as Captain Stan Hamel, an old Air Force buddy of Mike's. When Stan arrives at the Weber household feeling responsible for the death of a friend, he is unwilling to talk about his grief and instead looks to booze and partying for relief. Finally, Stan lets Mike help him with his pain and turns to God for strength and forgiveness. The episode also sees Andy getting his comeuppance (Finally!) for all his cheeky remarks. After making repeated jokes at Captain Stan's expense, Stan picks up Andy and throws him on the couch. He then comes around and holds Andy's arms down as Mike comes in and proceeds to tickle Andy silly as Andy laughs and begs for mercy!

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Trick and Treat

28 lokakuu 199721m

Todd disapproves of Mike and his participation in the pagan festival Halloween.

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Public Embarrassment and Todd's First Sermon

4 marraskuu 199721m

After much lobbying from Todd, Mike gives him the chance to do his first sermon, but they meet resistance from unexpected quarter, meanwhile Mike's fooling around starts to embarrass Kenny.

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Camping and Housekeepers

18 marraskuu 199721m

A new housekeeper comes to work for the Webers. The children just love her, but she causes a problem for Mike with her unconventional views about food.

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Three Priests and a Baby

25 marraskuu 199721m

Glenda asks Mike to let her pregnant friend to stay at his place for a while; however, it has the effect of starting a rumor about Mike being the real father of the baby.

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Attic Box Blues

2 joulukuu 199721m

Mike must deal with a man, who has left his wife at the altar, while at the time he is feeling for his dead wife. In the attic Meredith finds memorabilia from her parents' wedding which upsets Mike.

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Christmas Ruined My Life

16 joulukuu 199721m

Mike has to save a man from committing suicide on Christmas Eve.

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Yes Sir, That's My Baby

6 tammikuu 199821m

Mike's father comes to see him and announces that he is getting married.

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Tekijät 2

Ohjaus: Don Scardino

Käsikirjoittaja: Carmen Finestra

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Vierailevia tähtiä ei ole lisätty.

Jakson kuvat 0 Katso kaikki jakson kuvat

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Holy Rollers

13 tammikuu 199821m

Mike meets Kenny's math teacher, and they are immediately attracted to each other. This causes some problems for Kenny.

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A Kiss is Just a Kiss

20 tammikuu 199821m

Mike takes Todd out for a night of bowling. Only Todd gets more than he bargains for when he kisses a girl he meets while there.

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The Stan Plan

10 helmikuu 199821m

Mike promises Fred he will take him to see Big Bird, but he forgets to buy the tickets. Stan has to hatch a plan to get them in.

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The Choir Boys

17 helmikuu 199821m

Todd volunteers to be the new junior choirmaster, with unexpected results.

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Todd and the Bod

24 helmikuu 199821m

Todd must overcome his fear or death to officiate at his first funeral; mike has his roommate ready to scream.

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Grabbed by an Angel

14 huhtikuu 199821m

Mike fields questions from his parishioners and the public when Meredith claims an angel rescued her from a fall.

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Just the Three of Us

21 huhtikuu 199821m

Todd informs Mike that Christine may be seeing someone else; Kenny and Andy conduct a neighborhood watch.

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Raising Heck

28 huhtikuu 199821m

When Mike decides a prison program is more important than Todd getting a raise, Todd goes on strike. Meanwhile, Fred's vocabulary expands as Andy teaches him some not-so-popular phrases.

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The Good Shepherd

5 toukokuu 199821m

Mike accidentally lets Meredith's hamster out of the cage, which probably killed it, while everyone is unusually aggressive.

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Who Killed St. Shepherd?

12 toukokuu 199821m

Mike has to find out which one of his kids has broken the statue of St Stephen.

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Play Ball

19 toukokuu 199821m

Mike and Todd are both being considered for the position of the official Priest of the Detroit Tiger, and they become extremely competitive.

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Little Black Dress

Season Finale
26 toukokuu 199821m

Mike invites Christine for dinner, but creates a problem as the jealous support group Mike usually leads turns up alone with Todd.

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