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Burns and Allen, an American comedy duo consisting of George Burns and his wife, Gracie Allen, worked together as a comedy team in vaudeville, films, radio and television and achieved great success over four decades.

Series Cast

  1. George Burns as George Burns

    George Burns

    George Burns

    291 Episodes

  2. Gracie Allen as Gracie Allen

    Gracie Allen

    Gracie Allen

    291 Episodes

  3. Bea Benaderet as Blanche Morton

    Bea Benaderet

    Blanche Morton

    291 Episodes

  4. Harry von Zell as Harry von Zell

    Harry von Zell

    Harry von Zell

    265 Episodes

  5. Larry Keating as Harry Morton

    Larry Keating

    Harry Morton

    159 Episodes

  6. Robert Ellis as Ralph Grainger, Charlie, and Frank Foster

    Robert Ellis

    Ralph Grainger, Charlie, Frank Foster

    16 Episodes

  7. Peter Brocco as Peter the Waiter

    Peter Brocco

    Peter the Waiter

    8 Episodes

  8. Lester Matthews as Mr. Larkin, Mr. Buzby, Mr. Thomas Marshall, Professor Hopkins, Mr. Duffy, Mr. Burke, and Mr. Fortune

    Lester Matthews

    Mr. Larkin, Mr. Buzby, Mr. Thomas Marshall, Professor Hopkins and 3 more...

    7 Episodes

  9. Herb Vigran as Cab Driver, The Man in the Dentist's Office, The Man with the Money Order, and The Delivery Man

    Herb Vigran

    Cab Driver, The Man in the Dentist's Office, The Man with the Money Order, The Delivery Man

    5 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 8

1957 • 39 Episodes

Season 8 of The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show premiered on September 30, 1957.

The Exchange Student

(8x39, September 15, 1958) Season Finale

View All Seasons

The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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