Über Miami Vice diskutieren

Item: Miami Vice

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Shouldnt we move the episode S05E21 to the Specials season ?

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Miami_Vice_episodes#Season_5_(1988%E2%80%9390) , this episode wasn't aired on NBC during the initial run of the show but only later on USA Today. I quote : "Additionally, USA Network aired "Too Much, Too Late" on January 25, 1990, since NBC would not show that episode due to its strong topic of child molestation (NBC and USA are now owned by the same company)." and "The episode "Too Much, Too Late" was not shown on NBC due to its graphic content and a plot vividly involving child molestation, which at the time was considered unsuitable even for nighttime television.".

The episode S05E22 need to be deleted.

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