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Miami Vice (1984)

TV-14 CrimeDrama
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There's no stopping them.


The story of the Miami Police Department's vice squad and its efforts to end drug trafficking and prostitution, centered on the unlikely partnership of Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs - who first meet when Tubbs is undercover in a drug cartel.

  1. Anthony Yerkovich


Series Cast

  1. Don Johnson as Sonny Crockett

    Don Johnson

    Sonny Crockett

    111 Episodes

  2. Philip Michael Thomas as Rico Tubbs

    Philip Michael Thomas

    Rico Tubbs

    111 Episodes

  3. Saundra Santiago as Gina Calabrese

    Saundra Santiago

    Gina Calabrese

    111 Episodes

  4. Olivia Brown as Trudy Joplin

    Olivia Brown

    Trudy Joplin

    111 Episodes

  5. Michael Talbott as Stan Switek

    Michael Talbott

    Stan Switek

    111 Episodes

  6. Edward James Olmos as Martin Castillo

    Edward James Olmos

    Martin Castillo

    111 Episodes

  7. John Diehl as Larry Zito

    John Diehl

    Larry Zito

    69 Episodes

  8. Martin Ferrero as Izzy DeSoto and Izzy Moreno

    Martin Ferrero

    Izzy DeSoto, Izzy Moreno

    20 Episodes

  9. Sheena Easton as Caitlin Davies

    Sheena Easton

    Caitlin Davies

    5 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 5


1988 • 20 Episodes

The last action-packed adventures of Sonny Crockett and Rico Tubbs. Join them as they infiltrate the deadly powers behind the Miami drug empire and take down every bad guy from conniving schemers to ruthless criminals.

Leap of Faith

(5x20, June 28, 1989) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Miami Vice
Miami Vice


Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from NBC...

Type Scripted

Original Language English


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