Episódios 63


Dinheiro É Grama

30 abril 201111m

Para poder comprar a última entrada que resta para ver ao vivo a Rock Callahan em Mellowbrook, Kick e Gunther se enfrentam entre si e formam empresas rivais para cortar a grama.

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O Amor Fede

30 abril 201111m

Brad consegue uma namorada chamada Kelly. Kick está feliz pela atitude de seu irmão e pelo tempo que passa longe do quarteirão. Mas quando Kick descobre que Kelly está usando Brad para se embebedar, Kick precisa se decidir entre impedir a humilhação pública de seu irmão e aproveitar a vida sem Brad.

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Equipa Técnica 5

Realizado por: Chris Savino

Escrito por: Derek Dressler

Convidados Especiais 0 Todo o Elenco & Equipa Técnica

Não foi adicionado nenhum convidado especial.

Imagem do Episódio 1 Ver Todas as Imagens do Episódio

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Genes do Kick

7 maio 201111m

Kick fica sabendo que sua mãe fazia acrobacias aquáticas e pede ajuda a ela com seu próximo número. Mas ele se decepciona porque sua mãe volta a seus velhos costumes extremos e o sobrenome Buttowski se transforma em sinônimo de mamãe.

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As Roupas Chamam

7 maio 201111m

Kick promete se comportar bem quando sua mãe o leva a uma vergonhosa expedição ao shopping.

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Limpeza Extrema

14 maio 201111m

Kick quebra sem querer a mesa de pebolim do pai de Gunther e precisa realizar uma série de favores para substitui-la antes que o dono chegue em casa.

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De Pé e Entregando

14 maio 201111m

Kick se encarrega de entregar a comida em Battlesnax. Quando um inimigo anônimo ameaça destruir seu recorde de entrega, Kick precisa garantir o tempo de entrega de Battlesnax e levar a comida em 29 minutos ou menos.

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Mudando as Marchas

21 maio 201111m

A apreciada bicicleta de Kick, Bonesaw, quebra seriamente horas antes do rodeio anual de BMX. Seu velho rival, Gordon Gibble, acredita que ganhará o rodeio facilmente, mas a competição fica acirrada quando Kick decide usar a Mustang Menace, uma bicicleta indomável.

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Banido da Garagem

21 maio 201111m

Brad forma uma banda para ganhar um concurso e conhecer garotas. Mas como ensaiam na garagem, que é o lugar preferido de Kick, ele decide desafiar seu irmão e forma sua própria banda para recuperar a garagem.

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Jogo da Verdade

19 junho 201122m

Enquanto fica de castigo com seu avô por causa de um número que deu errado, Kick descobre que ele era espião do exército.

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25 junho 201111m

Kick quebra o antigo relógio viking de Gunther e faz um leilão de si mesmo para juntar dinheiro e repor o relógio. Mas Jackie ganha o leilão e planeja se casar com Kick.

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De Cara no Chão!

25 junho 201111m

Kick compete no Faceplant!, um jogo de um programa de televisão apresentado por Brick Bristol, e precisa pedir ajuda de seu rival Ronaldo na pista de obstáculos.

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Atrapalhado em Dobro

9 julho 201111m

Kick deve decidir entre ajudar o seu ídolo, Billy Stumps, em um show de caminhões monstro, ou seu melhor amigo, Gunther, em um importante ritual Viking sobre a passagem da infância à idade adulta.

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Kick Bem na Foto

9 julho 201111m

Hush e Razz são os anfitriões de um concurso para encontrar a nova casa de Skidzees, que aparecerá em um novo cartaz na cidade. Competindo contra seu rival Gordon Gibble, Kick arma uma equipe com Jackie para tirar uma foto genial.

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De Mãos Dadas / Luigi Vendetta!

16 julho 201111m

Kick e Kendall ficam presos um ao outro por causa da seiva da caverna que colou suas mãos, agora eles terão que enfrentar obstáculos para desgrudar as mãos sem que ninguém os veja, e antes do aniversário do Ronaldo. Brad sempre fica importunando Kick só por ser o irmão mais novo, cansado, Kick resolveu tomar uma decisão e chamar Luigi Vendetta para resolver isso.

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Luigi Vendetta

16 julho 201111m

Fed up with Brad’s constant bullying, Kick enlists the services of Luigi Vendetta, who promises to ‘take care of’ Brad once and for all.

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Confusão na Piscina / Morando com Wade

25 julho 201111m

Kick e seus amigos são proibidos de frequentar a piscina grande e fazem de tudo para mergulhar nela. Wade fica sem casa e Kick convida ele para ser seu colega de quarto, mas percebe, que Wade é um companheiro terrível.

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Live In Wade

25 julho 201111m

When Wade’s stepmom kicks him out of her basement, he is forced to live in the Food N’ Fix until Kick invites him to move in with the Buttowski’s. But Kick quickly discovers that good friends don’t always make the best roommates.

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Kyle Dois Ponto Zero/ De Kart para Kart

6 agosto 201111m

Kick tenta ganhar ingressos para o Motocross e tudo se complica quando Kick pede para ele esqueça ele até a hora do show. Kick e Gordon vão competir de novo em uma corrida, o vencedor, toma posse da pista de kart novamente.

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Kyle 2.0

6 agosto 201111m

In order to score tickets to Dirt Bike Mike’s Demo-Cross, Kick must spend time with Cousin Kyle. But there's one problem: one of Kick's ideas backfires on him when Kyle pretends that Kick doesn't exist.

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Bom nos Esportes / De Castigo

8 outubro 201111m

Queimada é proibido na escola e o treinador sugere que ele faça outro esporte. O Diretor da escola chama a Sra. Chicarelli para controlar Kick mas acaba controlando todos os alunos.

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1 outubro 201111m

A new vice principal comes out of retirement and serves Kick and his friends with detention.

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You've Been Brad'd!

22 outubro 201111m

Kick is trying to get to Skidzees without touching the floor, but he fails multiple times and soon discovers he is a main target for his brother's Internet show "'You've Been Brad'd"'

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É Brad na Parada / A Festa do Pijama

15 outubro 201111m

Brad cria um show de pegadinhas on-line para humilhar Kick sem que ele chegue a Skidzeez sem tocar o chão. Kick e Gunther precisam assistir um programa do Rock Callahan em Pitsburg mas Brianna e suas amigas estão assistindo Teena às Vezes.

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No Halloween, Kick e Gunther vão pedir doces na mansão Van der Morte, pois Kendall acha que são medrosos de mais. Kick e Gunther são deixados para trás e encontram um parque de diversões abandonado.

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Dead Man's Roller Coaster

24 outubro 201111m

When Brad and his friends abandon Kick and Gunther in the woods, they discover an abandoned amusement park that may be haunted by the ghost...of Dead Man Dave.

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O Quarto do Brad/Cara, Cadê o meu Wade

29 outubro 201111m

Kick e Brad ficam brigando e acaba destruindo o quarto do Kick. Kick decisidiu ir ficar do quarto do Brad. Kick e Gunther entraram e o Wade sumiu, o inspetor vai fechar o Comida e Conceito. Kick e Gunther procuram o Wade antes que o inspetor feche o Comida e Conceito.

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Dude, Where's My Wade?

5 novembro 201111m

A health comes to the Food n' Fix to inspect it, but when Wade goes missing it's up to Kick and Gunther to find him.

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Pacto de Irmã/Shhh!

12 novembro 201111m

Kick tenta ajudar sua irmã entrar no clube de prestígio "Poise Posse" depois de ter arruinado as chances de sua irmã de entrada às audições do clube no ano passado. Kick deve pesquisar sobre uma estranha criatura chamada Nuslett dado a ele para fazer um trabalho escolar, mas ele precisa de um livro para pesquisar sobre ela, e o único lugar que ele poderia ir seria a Biblioteca, onde existe uma Bibliotecária maluca.

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19 novembro 201111m

Kick must research a strange creature called a Nuzzlet given to him to make a school report, but here's the rub the book he needs, and the only place quiet enough for him to do his report are both in the... Library.

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Toma que o cão é teu/Amor entre irmãos

3 dezembro 201111m

Depois de uma cadela chamada Jazzy salvar Kick, eles viram melhores amigos, mas ela machuchou a pata salvando a vida dele, e Gunther tenta á recuperar, e Jazzy, começa a salvar a vida de Kick. Abril concorda em ir a um encontro com ele quando ela pensa que ele é um irmão mais velho agradável para o Kick. Para convencer Kick para ir à data e fingir que os dois se dão bem, Brad promete Kick seu Cartão de Acesso de Ouro para ver o novo filme de Rock Callahan. No entanto, a data fica complicada quando April tem mais divertido sair com Kick de Brad.

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24 março 201211m

In order to see a new movie Kick tags along on Brad's date to make sure it goes well, but there are two problems: his date finds Kick better company than Brad, and Brad has his habits of being an oppressive big brother.

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Natal com o Primo Kyle/Problema com a neve

Season Finale
6 dezembro 201111m

Kick compra o marionete para dar o Kyle de natal. Enquanto a Família Buttowski está em férias para uma cabana nas montanhas, Kick acidentalmente provoca uma avalanche que aprisiona a sua família em uma cabine quebrada para baixo onde estavam. Agora ele precisa encontrar uma maneira de salvar sua família da febre da cabine.

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Snow Problem

6 dezembro 201111m

When Kick causes an avalanche it traps the Buttowski family and Kick has to find a way to get them out before they get cabin fever and goes crazy.

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28 janeiro 201211m

Kick, Brad and Harold get stuck in a cold freezing attic together with no way out, or is there?

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Free Gunther

14 janeiro 201211m

When Gunther gets grounded on the night of Boom McCondor's BMX Joust, Magnus (evidently wanting to give him a sporting chance) challenges Kick to a BattleSneegan to see if he can get Gunther on the sidewalk before sundown if he doesn't Gunther's grounding gets extended for a year and if that's not bad enough Magnus has never ever lost a BattleSneegan before.

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Sleepy River Wild

21 julho 201211m

Kick reluctantly agrees to go on a “sleepy river” water park ride with Gunther. When Gunther falls asleep, Kick decides to take an unauthorized detour in an attempt to find adventure, but gets more than he bargained for.

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Power Play

14 janeiro 201211m

Kick must protect Ronaldo from danger until the school play of Romeo and Juliet is over or he will have to take his place. Now normally that wouldn't be so bad, but the Juliet of the play is Kendall.

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Poll Position

10 março 201211m

To stop Kendall from winning a class election and making his life miserable, Kick gets Wacky Jackie to run against her, but he soon discovers it to be a mistake he'll regret. Will he be forced to choice between the lesser of two evils before Mellowbrook Elementary is torn apart?

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Jock Wilder's Nature Camp

4 fevereiro 201211m

Kick and Gunther go to nature camp and are paired up with two different counselors. While Gunther gets Jock Wilder, Kick is stuck with his overly cautious brother Larry Wilder.

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Swap Meet

11 fevereiro 201211m

After being entrusted with the task of hiding the parents anniversary present and an incident with Brad, Kick "loses" his mother's anniversary present at a swap meet and must track it down before it's sold, along with his fathers trust in him.

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Bee Awesome!

19 maio 201211m

It is time for the state regional spelling bee. But thanks to a lunch themed error from Principal Henry, the only person who is well enough to partake in the bee is Kick who is "a horrible speller".

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Trash Talk

18 fevereiro 201211m

Kick is caught littering by Officer Irwin and is assigned highway clean-up duty, but a pesky rival makes Kick's job harder. Can Kick (with Gunther's help) bring this rival to justice or will he be buried by the one thing he's supposed to get rid of?

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Nerves of Steal

30 junho 201211m

Kick, while in the midst of his Para-boarding ambitions, is strapped for a material that can withstand the G-Forces when he is airborne but is denied such a thing when he tries to borrow such a thing from his neighbors. But when a thief surfaces in the neighborhood a sleep deprived Kick is accused of stealing the items so to clear his name he forms a Neighborhood Watch with Gunther. He eventually comes up with no leads and now has one night to turn up a perp, or the neighbors will be calling in the boys in blue. In the midst of his last-ditch effort even Kick will be surprised as to the thief's identity.

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Goodbye, Gully

2 dezembro 201211m

Gordie tries to impress his father, Mr. Gibble, by threatening to destroy Kick and Gunther’s favorite hangout, The Gully. The only way for them to save it is by outsmarting him.

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Bad Car-ma

17 março 201211m

Dad's beloved car Monique is towed away, so Kick and Dad have to work together to get it back.

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Bwar and Peace

7 abril 201222m

After a botched reenactment, Kick is selected to star in a Viking reenactment over Gunther who really wanted to star in the reenactment. After a second Botched Reenactment when Kick tries to set the record straight by having Gunther do the reenactment instead of him, Gunther is now being mistaken for an ancient Viking warrior when he along with Kick's Family visits the Old Country. Gunther is now being hailed as a hero and a celebrity instead of his usual status as a wing-man. Gunther states that he will never leave the old country again. Can Kick save their friendship before it's too late?

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Bad Table Manners

5 maio 201211m

A new big screen TV has shown up and with that Brad and Brianna are the first to make claims to the TV. Harold makes them play ping pong to decide who gets control over the TV for a night (which is the way the Buttowski family used to settle things when Harold was younger rather than fighting). Brad and Brianna both have bad table manners with ping pong, but things start to get out of hand when Harold picks up a paddle, and now the only one who can stop him is... Kick.

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13 outubro 201211m

Kick, Harold and Brad continue their annual tradition of telling scary stories during a campout, but this year, Kick's story is so scary that the boys begin to fear it has come true.

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Say Cheese

6 outubro 201211m

After a dispute over the last slice of pizza ensues between the Buttowski siblings, a precious item of their mothers is destroyed (her favorite picture of the three of them). Can they put aside their differences long enough to get a replacement picture to appease their now mentally unstable mother?

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Pinch Sitter

13 maio 201211m

Kick's mom hires Kendall to babysit the Buttowski brothers after she witnesses Brad's terrible babysitting skills.

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Brad's Diary

23 junho 201211m

After Brad takes all his savings, Kick violates a newly founded brotherly-bond agreement when he decides to get back at his brother by stealing his diary.

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Sew What

7 julho 201211m

When Kick's grandma, Rosie, comes to visit, they have a blast together until she gives Kick a new jumpsuit for his stunt. Kick finds himself torn between making his grandma happy by wearing the embarrassing outfit or risk hurting her feelings by not wearing it.

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Big Mouth

14 julho 201211m

Kick and Gunther become sidekicks to Mouth after they seek his help to watch a live TV broadcast of "Jock Wilder's Crock Wrestle 2".

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Last Fan Standing

2 dezembro 201211m

Kick can't get a wink of sleep when Wacky Jackie and Cousin Kyle compete over who is his #1 fan and throw him a celebration in honor of his latest stunt.

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4 novembro 201211m

Honey entrusts Kick with keeping a batch of her homemade cookies away from Harold. Kick is sure it will be easy, but Harold will stop at nothing to get his hands on those cookies, exhibiting Kick-style determination.

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Stay Cool

21 julho 201211m

Kick and Brianna break Dad's air conditioner on the hottest day of the year, but Brad is blamed and grounded for the whole summer. Kick and Brianna agree to keep their blunder a secret, but Kick struggles with the mounting guilt.

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Only the Loan-ly

28 outubro 201211m

Kick needs money to buy an awesome bike engine and convinces Brianna to let him borrow the money. When he can't pay it back in time, Brianna, with the help of her friends Madison and Abbie, becomes a loan shark and pushes her brother to make good on his promise.

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Roll Reversal

28 julho 201211m

When Kendall inadvertently outdoes Kick at a Motocross stunt and claims to be “Mellowbrook’s Top Daredevil”, she is challenged to a rematch by Kick. Kendall agrees to only participate in an all-girl Roller Derby, so Kick and his friends must put on disguises in order to compete.

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Meathead Justice

4 agosto 201211m

After Kick saves the DiPazzi twins' lives, they become indebted to him by their code of ethics. When they do not leave his side, he must go to extreme measures to get them out of his life, but the question here is who is in the most need of goons like the DiPazzi Twins?

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29 setembro 201211m

Kick and Gunther break Magnus' meat slicer the day before the annual Battlesnax Salted Meats Festival, so they brave an epic Viking department store, Bwar-Mart, to find a replacement. When they are trapped in the store after hours, they must find a way to escape before the wacky store manager makes them employees for life.

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Kyle E. Coyote

22 setembro 20127m

In order to attend the Gnarly Games, Kick must track down Cousin Kyle, who has just consumed an entire case of Cheetah Chug. However, catching his energized cousin is easier said than done!

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Locked Out

22 setembro 20127m

After sneaking out of the house to see the new Rock Callahan movie, Kick arrives home to find that his dad has installed a new security system and must dismantle this extreme robot before his dad wakes up.

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22 setembro 20127m

Rock portrays Kick in an action-movie. In the movie, Rock-as-Kick must defeat the evil villain, The Dark One, who threatens to take over Mellowopolis.

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