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The daily lives of a group of soldiers in 'B' Company, 1st Battalion The King's Fusiliers.

  1. Lucy Gannon


Series Cast

  1. Robson Green as Fusilier Dave Tucker, LCpl Dave Tucker, and Fus Dave Tucker

    Robson Green

    Fusilier Dave Tucker, LCpl Dave Tucker, Fus Dave Tucker

    46 Episodes

  2. Jerome Flynn as Cpl Paddy Garvey, LCpl. Paddy Garvey, Sergeant Paddy Garvey, Corporal Paddy Garvey, and Sgt Paddy Garvey

    Jerome Flynn

    Cpl Paddy Garvey, LCpl. Paddy Garvey, Sergeant Paddy Garvey, Corporal Paddy Garvey and 1 more...

    44 Episodes

  3. Rosie Rowell as Donna Tucker

    Rosie Rowell

    Donna Tucker

    41 Episodes

  4. Ben Nealon

    Lt Jeremy Forsythe, Lt. Jeremy Forsythe, Lieut Jeremy Forsythe

    41 Episodes

  5. Gary Love as Sgt Tony Wilton, Cpl. Tony Wilton, Sergeant Tony Wilton, Corporal Tony Wilton, and Cpl Tony Wilton

    Gary Love

    Sgt Tony Wilton, Cpl. Tony Wilton, Sergeant Tony Wilton, Corporal Tony Wilton and 1 more...

    37 Episodes

  6. Annabelle Apsion as Joy Wilton

    Annabelle Apsion

    Joy Wilton

    30 Episodes

  7. Denise Welch as Marsha Stubbs

    Denise Welch

    Marsha Stubbs

    26 Episodes

  8. Rob Spendlove

    CSM Michael Stubbs, Lt Michael Stubbs

    25 Episodes

  9. Holly Aird as Cpl. Nancy Thorpe RMP, Cpl Nancy Thorpe RMP, Sgt Nancy Thorpe, Nancy Garvey, Cpl Nancy Garvey, and Nancy Thorpe

    Holly Aird

    Cpl. Nancy Thorpe RMP, Cpl Nancy Thorpe RMP, Sgt Nancy Thorpe, Nancy Garvey and 2 more...

    23 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Series 7

1997 • 12 Episodes

Season 7 of Soldier Soldier premiered on September 23, 1997.

No Pain, No Gain

(7x12, December 9, 1997) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Soldier Soldier


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


Content Score 


We're so close, yet so far.

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