תמיכת The Movie Database

Hi Travis,

we ran into some difficulties regarding the movie search request: Taking "The Lord of the Rings" as an example we're searching for "lord" and get the first and third movie as result 2 & 3 and the second as result 8.

The german translation for "The Lord of the Rings" is "Der Herr der Ringe". So the equal use case would be searching for "Herr", which delivers no "The Lord of the Rings" Movies on the first Page, but several (mostly) unknown Movies containing "Herr". We couldn't determinate significant differences setting variations of de-DE, en-US / DE, US in the "language" and "region" query strings of the request.

Do we oversee something or is the translated movie title not handled with the same logic as the original one? Would it be an option to swap their weighting if the "language" query string is set?

Best regards and thanks in advance, Lukas

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Hi Lukas,

All translated titles are treated equally, but the original title is given a bit more priority.

This is an example of why I need to re-factor search, which is something I've been talking about for a year or so now. Search needs to start taking into account the search language so that it can properly boost results. Until I do that work though, there's not much we can do to improve the results.

Cool to hear you've already got that in mind... Thanks for the quick answer and your great work! :)

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