The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi I try to create a documentary ( It's a documentary, but a themed or topical film --> "le doc du dimanche". For me its isn't a really TV Serie, more a "documentary" saga/. First question: I'm right ??? second question : I've the choice in Informations principales" ---> Convertir en Collection ? Is it the right way to create the Saga.

Merci Michael

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It's fine to add the stand-alone documentaries in the movie section as movies. ok_hand_tone4 But, for the record, I think it could also be a series.

I've the choice in Informations principales" ---> Convertir en Collection ? Is it the right way to create the Saga.

The right way to create a collection would be to create a "Le doc du dimanche" entry and convert that entry into a collection. However, collection are only for sequels. Please use a list instead. slight_smile

Hi Banana I read your informations and I try it tomorrow. After I post the link, and PLEASE take a look. Merci Michael

I try it, (perhaps easy with your help), but please take a look.

enter link description here

Merci Michael

for me this isn't a real collection

please tell me more. Basicly it's a documentary, on TV each sunday evening, and with another theme each time.

Collections are a way to group together sequels, such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

If you want to group together movies by any other criteria, please use a list instead, as @banana_girl already indicated.

It's what i've try

Oh right, if you want to create a list; you have to go here:

Then click on the big button "Create list"

And then you can either add movies from the list itself, by opening the list, clicking "edit" and then navigate to "Add/Edit items".
Alternatively, you can search for the entry on TMDb and use this functionality:

I'll delete the collection for now.

perhaps I understand better list ===> basicly a personal list, which I can share with other peoples ???

I've make à mistake with a film this morning, can you please delete also the film "D" created by myself this morning.

Yes, indeed @michael47

I've deleted the mistake movie.

Thank's . Be newbee it's a hard job.

Merci Michael

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