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Will Stone


Jill Stone

InterpretaciónEl temerario Ives

An Italian man who has spent his life between the Dolemites mountain range of Italy and Castle Thun begins the adventure of rock climbing at age 50.

1 de enero de 2021

Li Bing is a Buddhist nun who has worked for years to set up schools for local children in ethnically-Tibetan regions. In September 2016, she helped set up the Songhe Mani Tent School and hired two teachers, Gan Ge and Lhamo. The local incarnate Buddhist Lama has problem with their behaviors. In March 2017, as the new semester starts, the villagers come up with all sorts of excuses to demand that Lhamo be removed as teacher at the school. As Lhamo is forced to leave, Li Bing decides to remove Gan Ge too, as well as all the tents that serve as the school’s dormitory.

Johnny Stone, an internet vlogger, is filming his exploration of the snowy woods where a killer is reportedly on the loose. He takes along a few of his friends, but when a member of the party reports they are being watched, it's a good bet things won't stay calm for long.

maudlin of the Well performed for the first time in 14 years on August 25th 2015 at The Stone in New York City. The performances reunited original members Toby Driver (guitar, vocals) Greg Massi, Josh Seipp (guitars) Sam Gutterman (drums) Terran Olson (woodwinds, keys) Jason Byron (vocals, keys) and included special guest performances by Ron Varod (bass), and appearances by Mia Matsumiya (violin) and Daniel Means (tenor saxophone)

"A poetic impression of the Internet Archive's headquarters in San Francisco."

Hans llega a un pueblo cerca de Amsterdam para escribir una historia sobre el solitario escultor, Profesor Val, que vive en un viejo molino que llama "el molino de las mujeres de piedra". Hans conoce a la seductora y atractiva hija del profesor y comienza a sentir una gran pasión por ella. De a poco, comienza a darse cuenta del horrible experimento que está realizando Val, mientras las mujeres del pueblo continúan desapareciendo.

18 de septiembre de 2020

The Stone in the Well is the effort of those who realize the colors in the world to guide those who lose their light. The documentary, which is the voice of helping people who have isolated themselves from the outside world, aims to reach those who cannot hear the music, cannot see the sun, and who are behind locked doors.

8 de noviembre de 2020

Violence from the word, from the harmless appearance of everyday life immersed in aggression. Expressions privately and publicly in a state of constant violence, and silence as a response, as a way to normalize and perpetuate violence. There is nothing left but to resist from the word to dismantle the hate speech.

Erik está convencido de que tiene un corazón de piedra. Por eso no le importa que sus padres no tengan tiempo para él o que no tenga amigos reales. Cuando su familia se muda a una villa que heredaron de la tía Brunhilda, descubre que otra familia vive allí: María y su padre, a quienes los padres de Erik quieren echar. Cuando la familia recibe un aviso de desalojo, María activa su plan secreto para traer de vuelta a su madre desaparecida y salvarlos. Juntos emprenden un viaje fantástico al Mundo Intermedio, y Erik descubre lo difícil que es realmente llevar un corazón de piedra.

Cronológicamente, la película se encuentra situada después de la huida de Sasuke con Orochimaru. La trama de la película ronda alrededor de una piedra llamada Gelel, que tiene un poder fuerte y misterioso. Había un clan que podía controlar los poderes de la piedra una vez con ese poder podían hacer madurar los árboles en un solo día y curar heridas al instante. Pero este poder llevó a la disputa y al final todo acabó en guerra.

26 de agosto de 2019

En un especial, Dave Chappelle habla sobre la cultura de las armas, la crisis de los opiáceos y los muchos escándalos de los famosos.

5 de diciembre de 1994

Determined to avoid another night of driving aimlessly around Torrance in the Blue Torpedo, Joe and Hubbs set out on a quest for fine chicks. Their paths soon cross with Tack, from whom they learn about a pair of foreign radical chicks hanging out near the Frankie Avalon place. Over Joe's objections, Hubbs worms Tack out of the deal, and the pair take a slow ride toward their destiny.

18 de noviembre de 2005

Crónica de la agitada vida y extraña muerte de Brian Jones, uno de los fundadores de los Rolling Stones, que apareció muerto en su piscina unas semanas después de haber dejado la famosa banda.

To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.

Los Stone, una familia de Nueva Inglaterra, se reúne en vacaciones. El hijo mayor lleva a casa a su novia para que conozca a sus padres, a sus hermanos y hermanas. Los bohemios Stone reciben a su visitante (una ambiciosa y controladora neoyorquina) con una mezcla de aturdimiento, confusión y hostilidad. Antes de que terminen las vacaciones, hay relaciones que se rompen y otras que se crean, se revelan secretos y la familia Stone va a seguir unida por su extraordinaria capacidad de amar. Sybil Stone es la matriarca y base de la familia Stone, una extrovertida mujer de rompe y rasga que sólo quiere lo mejor para sus cinco hijos. Increíblemente guapa, su cara refleja ahora una reciente nota de fragilidad o de fatiga, lo cual sugiere que quizás Sybil esconda un secreto.

Jean-Claude Carrière coescribe la adaptación de la novela de Atiq Rahimi, también guionista y director, que narra la historia de una mujer, en un país de Oriente Medio, que tiene que quedarse en casa a cuidar de su marido, herido en una reyerta y en estado de coma. La mujer, joven y con dos hijas, alterna el tiempo que pasa en la casa, evitando a las guerrillas que siguen luchando en la calle, con el tiempo que pasa con su tía, una mujer liberada que se queda a cargo de las niñas.

Zhanna returns from Moscow to the city of her childhood, having learned that her father is dying. She did not communicate with him for the last 20 years after he left his family. Zhanna does not have time to catch him alive and plans to return to Moscow immediately after organizing the funeral. But the story takes a new turn: the father's corpse comes to life. He demands to spend the last day together.

30 de junio de 2006

Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?

6 de junio de 2024

Elo is visiting her family on a small island. Her complicated relationship with her mother is just about to warm up, when her half-sister’s pet rat Siisik takes its last breath. The family dinner is interrupted by the need to send Siisik on a last farewell. The mother’s apathy towards the death of the pet rat triggers Elo and opens up a gate to the past, when her own grief was left unnoticed.

5 de julio de 2019

Senku es un joven extremadamente inteligente con un gran don para la ciencia y una ácida personalidad, y su mejor amigo es Taiju, que es muy buena persona pero más apto para usar los músculos que para pensar. Cuando tras cierto incidente toda la humanidad acaba convertida en piedra, ellos logran despertarse en un mundo miles de años después, con la civilización humana completamente desaparecida y con toda la humanidad congelada en piedra como ellos estuvieron. Ahora es su obligación rescatar a la gente y crear un nuevo mundo.

30 de enero de 2017

In this thriller TV series, three female friends decide to murder their husbands. They set a plan to blow up their car while they were out on an expedition. Their plan works, but after some inexplicable events, they realise that one of their husbands survived the explosion and has returned for revenge.

One billion yen vanishes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Two police inspectors work to discover the culprit, but politics may obstruct justice.

2 de julio de 2022

Four guys from the outskirts of Moscow decide to make easy money - to overtake a car with stolen cargo inside. Not really thinking about the consequences, they make one mistake after another, and very soon they have serious problems with the law. Now there is no turning back, and in order to survive, four friends need to stick together at all costs.

31 de agosto de 2023

Huo Xingchen, the daughter of the chief of the renowned Wuyue Sect, takes a decisive step into the martial world to defy the fate imposed upon her and to resist an unwanted arranged marriage. Along her journey, she crosses paths with Jiang Buting, an investigator delving into the case of a missing martial artist. Through a series of fateful encounters, they join forces and embark on a shared adventure. Along the way, they befriend numerous martial artists, uncover the truth behind the appearances of enigmatic figures in the martial world, and ultimately expose the schemes of two formidable villains, Mu Lang and Song Changsheng. As Huo Xingchen matures during the course of her investigation, she unravels intricate plots and deceptions, eventually realizing her ideals. She claims her rightful position as the leader of the Wuyue Sect, all while finding true love amidst the challenges.

The body of a person who died an unnatural death is discovered encased in mortar like concrete in the basement of an abandoned building. Why was the person murdered this way? The next day, the investigation task force receives a phone call from the criminal who calls himself Tremi during a meeting to discuss the investigation of the case. Then, in a short time after her transfer to the First Investigative Division, Kisaragi Toko becomes the negotiator. Tremi mocks and provokes the police while offering hints regarding the murder. A second murder soon occurs just as Tremi had warned. The victim's head has been covered with concrete as they had expected. What is the criminal's motive and why is the criminal fixated with concrete? The criminal's surprising actual target soon emerges...

25 de diciembre de 2020

This 5-episodic series is a story of a happily married couple, Dhwani (Bidita Bag) and Sahir (Barun Sobti). With Dhwani's birthday just around the corner, she is expecting the usual surprise from her younger sister Payal (Rashi Mal) who plans something elaborate each year. This year, Payal has organized a weekend getaway at a resort but this surprise soon turns into a shock when Payal does not arrive at the resort. The world stops for Dhwani, when she realizes that her sister is missing, or worse - she may be dead. The romantic birthday getaway soon becomes a trap for Dhwani, where she's left putting together the clues of the puzzles that will help her find the truth about Payal.

13 de septiembre de 2019

Find out if the Stoneman of 90's Kolkata still out in the streets? It's a thriller about the stone-man murders taking place in late 80s around Calcutta. hoichoi brings the story from a different point of view, showcasing why someone would resort to mass killing.

An ancient legend tells of a magical Powerstone that granted its owner any wish desired. Adventurers from all over the globe clash as they seek this mystical gem.

Stone Circle takes place in São Paulo in 1958, and tells the story of a love triangle between Natércio (Daniel Dantas), Laura (Ana Paula Arósio) and Daniel (Marcello Antony). Laura is married to Natércio and has two daughters with him: Bruna (Anna Sophia Folch) and Otávia (Ariela Massotti). Emotionally unstable, sensitive, fragile and delicate, she has frequent crises and is treated by Dr. Daniel, because who ends up falling in love. This leads to jealousy in the husband, who, despite loving his wife very much, is controlling and ambitious.

Laura has a daughter with doctor Daniel, Virginia (Tammy Di Calafiori), who is raised by her mother with the lawyer.

The Silva Prado mansion, where Natércio and Laura live, is located in the upper-middle-class Jardim Europa neighborhood and is looked after by the housekeeper Frau Herta (Ana Beatriz Nogueira), who is secretly in love with her boss and tries to destroy everything she does well. to Laura.

Manee Morana is a cursed piece of jewelry tied to a bone demon. The ring possesses great powers to influence its wearers to commit acts of evil. Its latest target is Phakakaew, a naive woman with kindness who is being protected by Khamron.

The series revolves around a wealthy and powerful man named Mohammed Abu Diab (Nour Al-Sharif). Despite being loved by his townspeople who live under his command, he is betrayed by the people closest to him.

Tor is the illegitimate child of a millionaire and a poor woman. His mother is the "mia noi" or lesser wife and Tor is the millionaire's youngest son. Tor's stepmother, who is the first wife also has a son, named Sawit, or Ae, as people call him. Tor and his mother are treated very harshly by his stepmother and brother. Eventually, his mother dies of pain from abuse while he is still a kid. After his mother's death, he befriends a girl next door named Mintha, who is also a stepchild. Tor and Min have many things in common and it brings them close together. One day, Ae and Mintha's half sister, Kwan bullies Tor to the point he fights them back.

Detective Surprenant, a veteran of major crimes in Montreal who took refuge in the Magdalen Islands, investigates the murder of a teenage girl with the help of his colleague Geneviève Savoie and inexperienced police officers, even giving up his vacation to resolve this sad story. However, he must deal with the arrogant chief inspector Sébastien Gingras, dispatched from Quebec City and with whom he has disagreements.

hannel One 31 sends the romantic drama Heart Sila 2019 with the role of Tor-Thanapop 's first full-length hero in the role of a young man who has been hurt by a heart until he has to come to seek revenge, along with Fern-Noppachira , Noon-Siraphan, Ann Siriam, Typhoon-Kanokchat, Ben- Rawiyanun, Aom-Sakaojai, Pim-Pimphan, etc.

Bad past.. Destroyed his "heart", he left no good pieces, but today! He's coming back to reclaim!!

You can watch it in Heart of Sila drama On TV Channel One, press number 31

The precious emerald necklace of Chiangrath has been given to the family of Parote Rachasena, whom is proud in his dignity and looks down upon Northern women like his mother. In which has created his feud of hatred for Princess Saengfarng so she must go undercover as Ngam Saenluang and Mae Liang in order to get the Silamanee back. Between “him” and “her,” the fued that they have created towards each other, can it be turn into “love” or not? Only “Silamanee” will be the significant key to unlocking this puzzle.

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