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Nanako Shichigusa (16) works as a maid in the hospital of Dr. Kyogi Ogami. Nanako is a classic ditzy slapstick protagonist who tends to accidentally break things and do everything wrong. Ogami treats her frequently in a cruel or heartless manner—threatening her, yelling at her and even subjecting her to physical abuse—yet at the climax of every episode he comes through to rescue her from whatever predicament she got herself into. Much of the series revolves around the relationship between Nanako and Ogami—his mean veneer, her faith in him, and how he alternates between the evil mad scientist archetype and the knight in shining armor archetype.

21 de diciembre de 1995

At the end of World War II, a top-secret Japanese submarine and an American submarine have a fatal encounter and both are lost. Fifty years later the descendants of the submarines' officers are sent by the United Nations in a new secret submarine to investigate mysterious incidents in the Antarctics that could be linked to the old submarines' disappearances, and could also be the precursor to an invasion by aliens from deep inside the Earth.

La historia se centra en un chico de secundaria , Yakumo Saitou que nació con ojos de distintos colores. Su ojo izquierdo rojo tiene la habilidad de ver espíritus y fantasmas. así con la ayuda de Haruka Ozawa empiezan la investigación de las distintas causas de los espíritus todavía vinculados con la tierra.

Hayato Hayasugi (his last name is a pun on the words for "too fast") and other children will serve as conductors to pilot the Shinkalion. The Shinkalion robots are various models of real-life Japanese bullet trains (shinkansen) that transform into robots to fight an unknown evil to protect the safety and peace of Japan.

The children must work together with the adults of the Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute (SUEI) to defeat a monster that looks like a jet black bullet train.

Tin Kai-On moves to Hong Kong from his hometown and initially resents his father's new wife, but gradually comes to accept her. Kai-On lives with his cousin, who dislikes him, and befriends his cousin's sister, who is tomboyish. Kai-On also has a crush on his neighbor, who initially rejects him. Kai-On, his cousin, and a childhood rival eventually become close friends and start a successful business together.

9 de agosto de 2004

Una docuserie que explora la verdad bajo la superficie de la megafamilia de reality shows Los Duggar.

11 de enero de 2004

Shinsengumi! is a Taiga drama television series produced by Japanese broadcaster NHK. It was a popular drama about the Shinsengumi, a Japanese special police force from the Bakumatsu period.

18 de abril de 2014

Shinigami-kun, alias grim reaper #413, is a rookie who pronounces the death of those scheduled to die and brings souls to the nether world. He would appear with the signature phrase “Congratulations! I’m here to call on you” although it is hard to say how this can be a happy occasion, and watch over the dying. To a grim reaper, persuading people attempting to commit suicide and preventing unforeseen deaths is also an important task. But because #413 is new to this grim reaper work, he has a tendency to lean towards humans in his judgments, break the rules of the nether world and get reprimanded by his superior.

17 de marzo de 2012

Shinhwa Broadcast was a South Korean variety television programme broadcast on jTBC. It was hosted by six-member boy band Shinhwa: Eric Mun, Lee Min-woo, Kim Dong-wan, Shin Hye-sung, Jun Jin and Andy Lee.

Hoshi Shinichi is the "God of Short Stories" who published more than 1001 short stories during his lifetime, some of which are included in textbooks and continue to be read today. His stories often feature mystery, science fiction, or fantasy elements. A sometimes "humorous" and sometimes "cynic" look at society and mankind. Always short, but always surprising and unpredictable. Is it a poisonous allegory or a wake-up call? See some of his greatest gems come to life in this 2022 live-action adaptation

Una maldición impuesta sobre un príncipe y una princesa de dos naciones diferentes durante la era de Goryeo entrelaza sus destinos y contribuye al surgimiento de una nueva nación. Wang So (Jang Hyuk) es un príncipe de Goryeo al que marginan y mantienen alejado de su legítimo lugar en el trono a causa de una profecía que anuncia que hundirá a su nación en un río de sangre. Shin Yool (Oh Yeon Seo) es la última princesa de Balhae. A causa del fatídico destino que anuncia que se convertirá en luz de una nación diferente, Shin Yool escapa de una muerte cercana a manos de su propia gente y crece bajo la protección de Gang Myeong y Baek Myo, antiguos sirvientes reales. Una situación fortuita llevará a Wang So y Shin Yool a contraer matrimonio por un día, cambiando sus destinos para siempre.

The job of a medical jurisprudence involves a lot of complicated crimes such as murder and accidents. Hikaru (Fukatsu Eri) is a graduate of a medical university, also focused her discipline on neurology. One night during a student reunion, a dead body was found in the kitchen. Hikaru, who is a little regretting that she choose her focus in neurology was moved by another doctor's words, Dead bodies will not tell us what happened, that is why we have to piece together its last words.(Dramawiki)

The world is about to be turned upside down for Hajime Murata. First, a strange alien ship appears over Tokyo, and then a mysterious new transfer student arrives at his school wearing an ancient school uniform. His name is Muryou, and with his arrival, everything begins to change. Students suddenly begin to display amazing psychic powers, a giant white guardian keeps appearing in the skies over the city to fight off gigantic alien creatures, and men with threatening weapons are haunting the shadows of the school grounds.

With all these strange events taking place around him, Hajime is determined to figure out the truth about a world he thought he already knew. This is his story: a tale of aliens and humans, starships and spies, and friends who are often more than they appear. Join Hajime as he uncovers the mystery of Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars!

A full-scale travel documentary program that portrays the beautiful landscapes, lifestyles, and activities of people across various regions in Japan. Presented in an omnibus format, it allows viewers to immerse themselves in the nostalgic and irreplaceable scenery of Japan.

The drama 'You Are The Best' transfers the message of consolation, hope and healing to those of us suffering from this competitive society. This is a humanistic drama that makes us realize that happiness cannot be felt just from materialistic or external values but from simple but truthful love, and a society that is full of people who share.

1 de abril de 2002
26 de noviembre de 2010

Shining Tears X Wind is a Japanese anime based on the PlayStation 2 games Shining Tears and Shining Wind. Shining Tears X Wind presents an adapted version of Shining Wind's story, seen from the perspective of the character Souma. It is directed by Hiroshi Watanabe and produced by Studio Deen. The series started airing in Japan on April 6, 2007, and finished airing on June 29, 2007. The anime has the same opening and ending themes as the game Shining Tears. A sequel to this is a mobile game entitled Shining Wind X, which was released in January 2008.

Nueva serie de OVAs que readapta de nuevo el arco argumental de Kyoto, relatando la batalla entre Kenshin Himura y Makoto Shishio.

15 de junio de 2012

Basada en la historia de Cyrano de Bergerac, un tímido joven habla a través de otro con la chica que le gusta. Ella se enamora de sus palabras, sus letras y sus canciones.

Takeru y compañía se encuentran metidos en una extraña aventura donde van pasando de un escenario a otro sin sentido alguno y cada uno de ellos pensando que es la realidad. Desde el viejo oeste, el estado de guerra Sengoku, y hasta viajes espaciales entre otros serán lo que aparecerán aquí. Pero habrá algo en particular que hará recobrar la memoria a los seis samurais. *No hay un lugar específico donde esté situado el especial, pero puede verse tranquilamente desde el episodio 30 aprox. en adelante.

1940, Linda Voss (Melanie Griffith) es una mujer irlandesa, de origen judío-alemana que ama las películas, especialmente las películas sobre guerra y espías. Consigue un trabajo en un bufete de abogados de Nueva York, después de demostrar que puede hablar alemán con fluidez. Como secretaria y traductora de Ed Leland (Michael Douglas), comienza a sospechar que su jefe está involucrado en trabajos de espionaje.

Un slice-of-life (Recuentos de la vida) de batallas el cual esta ubicado en el futuro donde no hay ni Tercera Guerra mundial ni invasiones alien, solo un futuro ordinario después de la era moderna. En este mundo los robots son parte del día a día y contribuyen en varios aspectos de la sociedad. “Shinki” son robots de 15 centímetros de alto hechos para asistir a los humanos. Equipados con inteligencia y emociones, ellos estan devotos a servir a sus amos. Estos Shinki tambien pueden ser equipados con armas y armaduras para luchar entre ellos. Aquellos son llamados “Busou Shinki” (literalmente “princesas divinas armadas”). En particular, el Senki Ann (Arnval), Aines (Altines), y Rane (Altrane) sirven al estudiante de secundaria de nombre Masato.. Las cosas cambian cuando un nuevo Senki, Staarf, se une a ellas.

Collection of episodes from the animated series which follows twin sister genies Shimmer and Shine as they set out on a number of magical adventures with their human friend Leah. The episodes are: 'Genie Treehouse', 'Ahoy, Genies!', 'The Sweetest Thing', 'Lights! Camera! Genies!', 'What a Pig Mess', 'Abraca-Genie' and 'Dino Might!'.

Esta historia tiene lugar 100 días antes de que Kudo Shinichi se convirtiera en Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, un detective de secundaria, llega a la ciudad de Jugoya con Mori Ran y otros. En esta ciudad existe una leyenda que afirma que un gigantesco alcaudón con cabeza de toro ataca a la gente del pueblo y los mata. La ciudad estaba a punto de celebrar un festival en 3 días para descansar el espíritu del pájaro gigante. Mientras el amigo de los padres de Sonoko, el Sr. Wakura, conduce un recorrido por el santuario del alcaudón con cabeza de toro, se produce un crimen relacionado con la leyenda. Comenzando con Kosaka, los miembros de la familia Wakura son asesinados lentamente de la misma manera ...

4 de febrero de 2012

A hidden Ninja village exists deep in the mountain. OKOU who was raised as a lady Ninja is ordered a secret mission by the patriarch..

Nick (Jackie Chan) es un inmigrante chino, que ha entrado ilegalmente en Japón en busca de su novia y de un futuro mejor. Al principio, malvive explotado junto a otros compatriotas con los que arriesga su vida y su libertad a cambio de un mísero salario. Al descubrir, por azar, que su novia es ahora la esposa de un jefe Yakuza, decide entrar en el mundo del crimen organizado convirtiéndose en poco tiempo, con la ayuda del jefe Yakuza a quién casualmente salva la vida, en un auténtico líder, aprendiendo como sobrevivir en un mundo donde la corrupción, el asesinato y las luchas internas entre las distintas mafias, ponen constantemente a prueba su liderazgo y sus principios.

Rudolph debe encontrar a Happy, el bebé Año Nuevo, antes de la medianoche, en la víspera de Año Nuevo.

Allan Mann, un joven con un brillante futuro en el mundo de las leyes y el deporte, sufre un terrible accidente que lo deja paralizado. Su novia le deja y su madre le atosiga con una enfermera, pero encuentra una solución: la compañía de una mona. El problema surge cuando la primate se vuelve celosa y no soporta que nadie se meta en la relación, al tiempo que el simio le obedece en todo. Tanto que acaba interpretando cuáles son sus más oscuros deseos y los ejecuta. (FILMAFFINITY)

4 de abril de 2008

Martin Scorsese and the Rolling Stones unite in "Shine A Light," a look at The Rolling Stones." Scorsese filmed the Stones over a two-day period at the intimate Beacon Theater in New York City in fall 2006. Cinematographers capture the raw energy of the legendary band.

La tormentosa historia de los Shinsengumi es contada desde su nacimiento por el gran cineasta Sasaki Yasushi, con un elenco de estrellas basado en la historia original de Shirai Kyoji. Con el gran Chiezo Kataoka como Kondo Isami, junto con el apoyo de la mayoría de las más grandes estrellas del estudio Toei, incluyendo a Ryutaro Otomo, Okawa Hashizo, y Wakayama Tomisaburo; la lucha entre los realistas y partidarios del shogunato ha llegado a un punto álgido durante el Festival de Gion así como el plan de los exclusionistas para quemar Kyoto y secuestrar al emperador.

18 de diciembre de 1995

At the end of World War II, a top-secret Japanese submarine and an American submarine have a fatal encounter and both are lost. Fifty years later the descendants of the submarines' officers are sent by the United Nations in a new secret submarine to investigate mysterious incidents in the Antarctics that could be linked to the old submarines' disappearances, and could also be the precursor to an invasion by aliens from deep inside the Earth

10 de mayo de 2024

Gopi, a frustrated father in Canada, plans to take his mischievous son Shinda to India to discipline him. However, Shinda discovers his father's true intentions triggering a war between them.

A video recording of Shinee's second national Japanese tour. The tour kicked off in Saitama on June 28, 2013 and ended in Nagoya on December 11, 2013, with a total of 15 concerts in nine cities.

4 de octubre de 1980

Documental realizado por Vivian Kubrick, con entrevistas a los actores, escenas del rodaje y otras curiosidades.

Maire O'Donnell, una mujer alegre y bastante extravagante, decide adoptar a Tomás, un niño huérfano, y lo lleva consigo a vivir a la remota isla de Corrie, frente a las costas de Irlanda. Ella le enseña a amar la belleza de su isla natal y lo educa en el folclore local, que incluye el secreto de las focas. Pero, le enseña, sobre todo, que las cosas más importantes están dentro de él; la cuestión es saber buscar. (FILMAFFINITY)

ONE BRIGHT SHINING MOMENT retraces George McGovern's bold presidential campaign of 1972 - a grassroots campaign that fought for peace and justice, and positioned ideas and people first. But what is remembered today as being the ultimate political defeat of the American Century may also have been its high watermark. The film poses this central question: what does the crushing electoral defeat of a man so well respected for his decency and intellect say about the electoral process, the American government, and more importantly, what does it say about the forces at work on the American people- then and now? Featuring interviews with the candidate himself, supporters and activists like Gore Vidal, Gloria Steinem, Warren Beatty, Howard Zinn, and music from Bob Dylan, Robbie Robertson, Donovan, and Elvis Costello.

30 de octubre de 2023

In a race against time, Inspector Kabir of Special Crimes Unit must unravel the connection between a masked criminal captured during a critical operation and a mystifying box that materializes in a secluded village on the city's outskirts.

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