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@Triksy said:


Zack Snyder Regains Rights to ‘Blood and Ashes,’ Script Originally Pitched as a ‘300’ Sequel (Exclusive)

“Obviously we would like to license it at some point,” Stuber says. “We’d love to have it on so that fans can experience more Zack. The more Zack we have, the better we are.”

Speaking of cult leaders and b*tches, ZS has sprinkled some oil on the ZS-verse fire again. lol This Snyder cultist tweeted pics of ZS liking comments about the ZS-verse.

Bruce kenet's twee: Sure « Zack has move on » 🤡
Sometimes TrUeDcFaNs are just so much stupid 😅
#.SellSnyderVerseToNetflix #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
Now @netflix is interested, Snyder too so @wbd @wbpictures
@JamesGunn no more excuses : do it. Until that reboot is doomed and will flop

@Cashmere said:

Why did he tell all this? How... childish. joy

The WBD*ck curse is turning these men into b*tches. They so want people to know they have friends for some reason. rofl

@Cashmere said:

I assume you mean Brie wasn't convincing either.

She wasn't. Or maybe she can't do forced comedy convincingly.

The white men will carry the film while the... fake pro-woke get to experiment with the women. Let the women get bashed. Who cares? We will be perceived as... champion of diversity. Don't worry. The audience will show up for the white men... like they always do. Is a win-win for the fake pro woke... fake activists... horny for titles. rolling_eyes

I couldn't have said it better. There's always a catch. Either a title or the perceived image.


Warner Bros. Discovery: High Chance of Bankruptcy Says ‘Wealth Optimization Service’

A “personalized wealth optimization service” states that Warner Bros. Discovery has a high chance of going bankrupt.

The site, Macroaxis, lists “Warner Bros Discovery Stock Probability Of Bankruptcy” at 58%.

By comparison, Disney, albeit a much larger company, is less than 1%.

The site says, “Most of Warner Bros’ fundamental indicators, such as Probability Of Bankruptcy, are part of a valuation analysis module that helps investors searching for stocks that are currently trading at higher or lower prices than their real value. If the real value is higher than the market price, Warner Bros Discovery is considered to be undervalued, and we provide a buy recommendation. Otherwise, we render a sell signal.”

“Macroaxis is a very sophisticated yet simple to use personalized wealth optimization service built for self-guided, socially responsible investors,” says the site’s about section. “We started Macroaxis during the financial crisis of 2008 as a small project to help investors protect and optimize their positions to combat the ongoing market instability and economic volatility.”

There is actually talk that CEO David Zaslav will sell WBD, which of course also includes DC.

Back in 2022, my Comic-Con insiders filled me in about it and then told me at the 2023 SDCC that Zaslav hopes to sell in a couple of years to Universal which is owned by Comcast, whose bankruptcy score according to Macroaxis is less than 30%.

I’ve also been told that Zaslav hopes Universal breaks up the sale so he can retain Discovery.

I’ve also been told that WBD is broke AF and is the reason why James Gunn is recasting the DCU. I’ve been told that Zaslav demanded that Gunn recast with cheaper talent, hence why the original ending to The Flash leading to the Ben Affleck Batman Multiverse got the ax.

Regarding if WBD does get sold to Universal what happens to the Gunn DCU? I’ve been told Universal will “probably” continue it. Worth a mention is that both James Gunn and Zack Snyder got their big start at Universal with Dawn of the Dead.

Worth a note is that Zaslav has also been licensing out content like crazy: He’s licensed HBO series (which I have been told really ticked off people at HBO) and recently he licensed DC content to both Netflix and Tubi.

The info about the potential WBD sale has been verified by Variety.


@AnnaB said:

Speaking of cult leaders and b*tches, ZS has sprinkled some oil on the ZS-verse fire again. lol This Snyder cultist tweeted pics of ZS liking comments about the ZS-verse.

NX had high hopes for Rebel Moon, but critics aren't impressed. Audiences don't seem to think it's a masterpiece either.

07% (28) Top Critis
25% (80) All Critis
73% (1,000+) Audience Score

Is NX still interested in ZS' DCEU or still believe ZS can make good superhero films? thinking


Warner Bros. Discovery and Paramount CEOs discuss possible merger

Warner Bros. Discovery Chief Executive David Zaslav met on Tuesday with Paramount Global Chief Executive Bob Bakish, and they broached a potential merger between the two companies, two people familiar with the matter told CNN.

A potential merger of the two media giants would create an entertainment and news juggernaut, encompassing Warner Bros. and Paramount studios as well as CBS, CNN, and other cable television assets.

The discussion over lunch, which was first reported by Axios, took place at Paramount’s global headquarters in New York City’s Times Square.

Spokespeople for Warner Bros. Discovery and Paramount declined to comment.

**Still, Warner Bros. Discovery cannot for the time being enter into a transaction with Paramount, or any other entity, until an arcane tax statute prohibiting Zaslav from additional acquisitions or mergers ends in April 2024.

The date, which marks the two-year anniversary of WarnerMedia’s $43 billion merger with Discovery, was agreed upon during the deal to secure tax advantages — and should Warner Bros. Discovery elect to engage in a merger ahead of the April date, it will face major tax implications.**

While a potential merger between the two studios could once again upend the media industry, the talks aren’t a complete surprise. Zaslav, who executed a number of acquisitions at Discovery, has talked in recent months about going shopping for additional assets to boost Warner Bros. Discovery’s content offerings.

Meanwhile, Paramount is in need of a strategic partner to survive in the current media landscape. Shari Redstone, the family heiress of Paramount’s parent company, National Amusements, has reportedly been in talks to sell her stake in the company.

A person familiar with the matter confirmed that Zaslav has spoken to Redstone about a possible deal.

Analysts expect consolidation in the media business to continue as legacy entertainment companies bulk up in their efforts to compete with tech titans in Silicon Valley, which are increasingly wading into the content space.

Investors weren’t happy, though: Warner Bros. Discovery’s (WBD) stock fell immediately after Axios published its report and ended the day down 5.7%. It fell another 1.4% in after-hours trading. Paramount’s stock rose initially on the report but was a little less than 1% lower after hours.

The move to rapidly consolidate across the media industry comes as the once-formidable studios recalibrate their revenue strategies to compete against Netflix in the streaming era.

“I think it speaks to the panic,” industry analyst Rich Greenfield, co-founder of LightShed Partners, told CNN on Wednesday about the merger talks. “The industry is in for a very challenging future. They’re going to try to get bigger to compete in streaming.”

But any tie up between the media giants could also run into regulatory hurdles. The Biden administration has shown resistance to consolidation, challenging a record number of proposed mergers and acquisitions, according to a recent Federal Trade Commission report.

Challenges ahead

Both companies face significant challenges in a rapidly shifting media environment. Linear television ratings are in decline as cable customers increasingly cut the cord.

The advertising market is shifting to streaming, which has helped boost subscriptions and stem losses – but both companies are still shedding huge sums of money on their Paramount+ and Max services as content costs rise. Those services won’t get any cheaper after studios reached expensive new contracts with writers and actors over the past few months.

The companies are also both saddled with enormous amounts of debt. Warner Bros. Discovery has been cutting costs and impressing Wall Street with its ability to unload its debt burden – but it still held a stunning $45.1 billion at the end of the third quarter, down from $49.3 billion at the start of 2023.

Zaslav’s success shedding debt is one of the primary reasons WBD’s stock is up 23% this year. By comparison, Disney is up just 5%, and Paramount has fallen 8%.

Buying Paramount would not help Zaslav’s effort to unwind its debt burden: Paramount has $15.7 billion in debt, a total that has barely budged all year.

It’s not exactly the best time to be taking on more debt. The US Federal Reserve has hiked rates to a two-decade high, and US Treasury yields, which influence debt repayment rates, are very high, too. There could be some relief in the future, though: The Fed last week signaled it would begin cutting rates next year, and Treasury yields have begun to come back down to earth.

Paramount wants a sale

Zaslav is hardly the only one courting Paramount. Redstone has in recent weeks teased her interest in offloading a controlling stake in National Amusements and has been working with a banker, Byron Trott, to chart out what that might look like. Other suitors reportedly looking to acquire Redstone’s stake include David Ellison at Skydance and Gerry Cardinale at RedBird Capital.

Paramount has resided with the Redstone family for several decades, after Shari’s father, Sumner Redstone, acquired Paramount for $10 billion in 1994 and, subsequently, CBS for $37.3 billion in 1999.

As her father’s health began to deteriorate, Shari fought to retain the family’s controlling interest. CBS eventually sued Shari in 2018 in a bid to wrest control away from her. Shari won the suit and, following Sumner’s death in 2020, his shares entered a seven-person trust, which placed Shari in charge of National Amusements.

Paramount has said that National Amusements owns some 77.4% of Paramount’s common stock. Paramount is estimated to have a market cap worth over $10 billion.


WBD has a $45.1 billion debt and Universal wants to buy it and Paramount wants to merge with it.

@Triksy said:

07% (28) Top Critis
25% (80) All Critis
73% (1,000+) Audience Score

RM is ZS' own creation. He doesn't have to stay close to the source material. He doesn't have to care about fans' expections. But he still seems unable to deliver something really good. That 73% AC is low. I expected the ZS stans to overpraise RM. I expected an AC in the 90s.

@Cashmere said:

Furiosa is woke, because ATJ is the lead. But... wasn't Charlize Theron the lead in Fury Road? It was her and Tom Hardy. Now... it's ATJ and CH.

Those forcing diversity must be happy.

@AnnaB said:

Speaking of cult leaders and b*tches, ZS has sprinkled some oil on the ZS-verse fire again. lol This Snyder cultist tweeted pics of ZS liking comments about the ZS-verse.

Like I said, ZS isn't done with the ZS-verse as JG claimed. If he was, he wouldn't like anything about that. So did ZS lie to JG or was that another lie from JG?

Both ZS and JG are like high school b*tches. They both like to create, prolong and/or be part of drama and/or commotion.

@Blue-Rose said:

@Cashmere said:

@Blue-Rose said:

Ticking boxes again. An Asian, an African and a European woman. The women are diverse and the men stay white. The same BS in TW.

The white men will carry the film while the... fake pro-woke get to experiment with the women. Let the women get bashed. Who cares? We will be perceived as... champion of diversity. Don't worry. The audience will show up for the white men... like they always do. Is a win-win for the fake pro woke... fake activists... horny for titles. rolling_eyes

I couldn't have said it better. There's always a catch. Either a title or the perceived image.


@Sue-Yin said:

The Marvels is crap. The $250M wasn’t spent on the VFX. That looks cheap as hell. laughing

AM2's VFX looks awful too in the trailer. It looks so fake. AM1's VFX looked better.

Both ZS and JG are like high school b*tches. They both like to create, prolong and/or be part of drama and/or commotion.

ZS seems unable to let go. I think he likes the whole Snyder cut thing too much. Now RM, a 2h15m film, has a 3h15m R-rated director's cut too. That's ridiculous. The reason the four hours ZSJL was possible is bc it was for Max. You don't have to worry about running time with streaming films. Also, NX isn't D+ that can't release R-rated content and ZS said that NX gave him complete creative freedom.

So both ZS and NX are trying to recreate some of the ZSJL cut chatter for RM with this director's cut BS.

@AnnaB said:

The rumor was that Greta Lee would be the lead. So another male-centric film is turned into a female-centric film.

Geeks still think that Evan Peters and JL are the leads. One is the villain and one is the hero. It’s not clear who’s playing what.

If the Greta Lee thing is true, they should keep it out of the promo and let it be a surprise. At least the opening weekend won't be ruined. Let's hope the anti-woke boycott won't ruin its BO.

Why doesn’t he give ScarJo another BlackW film? Make films about heroines. Why keep swapping the gender in male-centric films?

There are rumors about a Scarlet Witch film. She seems to have appeared in S02 of the animated show. What If.

@Cashmere said:

The white men will carry the film while the... fake pro-woke get to experiment with the women. Let the women get bashed. Who cares? We will be perceived as... champion of diversity. Don't worry. The audience will show up for the white men... like they always do. Is a win-win for the fake pro woke... fake activists... horny for titles. rolling_eyes

This is a new version of what was done in the past. Past interracial couples would consist of a white man and a female POC. People call Hollyweird out on that. So they kind of stop. I guess Hollyweird needs to be called out again about this weird, new trend.

IMO, Nia DaCosta didn't do anything to warrant such deal.

It's wise to avoid biting off more than you can chew. The Marvels is Nia DaCosta's first superhero/action film.

@Triksy said:

Is NX still interested in ZS' DCEU or still believe ZS can make good superhero films? thinking

Does NX care about quality? That's only for Oscar films. Things like RM should just have an high hv&v. And it's said that RM is the most-watched film on NX right now. Although, according to Flixpatrol, it wasn't #1 in every country.

Here is the link to the chart.

They want to make F4 female-centric too.

I don't know if geeks are just piling on on this BS for fun. Look at this:

ComicBookMovie: X-MEN Reboot Rumored To Be Female-Focused With Mr. Sinister As The Main Villain
Kevin Feige is believed to want to make the movie as different to the 20th Century Fox franchise as possible, which also means no Magneto for the time being.

M-C-Uterus and Menstrual-C-U. Very childish. rolling_eyes


@Blue-Rose said:

WBD has a $45.1 billion debt and Universal wants to buy it and Paramount wants to merge with it.

Some industry experts claim it's all BS. Apparently, Skydance is going to buy Paramount. Skydance doesn't have a $45.1B debt.

The white Superman (SM) has all the powers, but the black one won’t.

The MCU’s Falcon will be the new Captain American (CapA). Apparently, this black variant of CapA won’t drink the potion to turn into a super human like the white CapA.

Is it just me or is everybody else noticing the trend too? Ladies and gentleman, we have a new trend.

I noticed that too. The people involve with the production obviously don't see it. If they did, they wouldn't do it. Or they consciously do it bc they're racist.

Daily Mail

'This movie will be Disney's biggest flop yet': Star Wars fans say female-led next installment is destined to fail after 2015 comments from feminist director saying her goal 'is to make men uncomfortable'

The film Star Wars: New Jedi Order is set after the most recent Star Wars sequel, 2019's The Rise of Skywalker, and will be centered on Daisy Ridley's character Rey.

However, many have unearthed comments made on a panel Obaid-Chinoy did with Meryl Streep and Jon Stewart that has provoked outrage over Disney prioritizing politics over good filmmaking.

'I like to make men uncomfortable. I enjoy making men uncomfortable,' she said during the panel, which she participated in after winning the Oscar for a documentary about acid attacks against Pakistani women.

'It is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, I am here, and recognize that, and recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable,' she added.

Disney has long faced complaints, particularly from conservatives, at their attempts to try and cater to a more liberal audience by replacing characters from beloved movies and shows with more diverse options.

The new movie comes at a time of increased scrutiny at Disney, as even CEO Iger had admitted the studio has banked too much on franchises and sequels.

The CEO admitted that Disney has 'made too many' sequels over the years - something the Marvel universe is guilty of as the series' movie count climbs to 33.

He also revealed that 'often the story doesn't hold up' or 'is not as strong as the original story' which can be a problem.

He went on to say that there has to be a better reason than just money to make a sequel - and confessed that Disney has overdone it in recent years.

But Iger made clear that Disney is not going to stop making sequels - and revealed that the major media conglomerate had a number of them currently in the works.

'We will only greenlight a sequel if we believe the story that the creators want to tell is worth telling,' Iger said.

Iger also blames the launch of Disney+ - the company's streaming service - which he claims also pulled attention away from the production.

Executives warned investors that the company's products and political views may not align with what viewers want - and risk harming its bottom line.

Back in January 2022, Disney debuted a new look for Minnie Mouse, which saw the beloved character abandoning her signature red polka-dot dress in favor of a 'progressive' blue pantsuit designed by Stella McCartney.

In March 2022, it was announced that staff members, as well recordings throughout the parks, would no longer include 'gendered greetings' like 'boys and girls' or 'ladies and gentleman.'

Instead, they opted for gender neutral terms like, 'Hello, everyone,' or, 'Hello, friends.'

Speaking to CNN on New Year's Eve, Sharmeen said: 'I'm very thrilled about the project because I feel what we're about to create is something very special.

'We're in 2024 now, and it's about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.'

The film has been written by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight and it has been confirmed that Daisy Ridley will return to play Rey.

While it is unknown who else from the cast will be returning, such as John Boyega, Oscar Isaac and Kelly Marie Tran, the film is reportedly set 15 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker.

CNN reported the film is set to be released in 2026 after Sharmeen hinted filming will be beginning soon.

'I have always been attracted to the heroes journey and the world definitely needs more heroes! - the blueprints of the heroes we see on screen are rooted in reality - I’ve spent my life meeting real life heroes, who have overcome the most oppressive empires and battled impossible odds and that to me is the heart of Star Wars...which is why I was attracted to the promise of a new Jedi Order …

'And why I'm particularly excited about being immersed inside a Jedi Academy with a powerful Jedi Master...'


@Blue-Rose said:

That 73% AC is low. I expected the ZS stans to overpraise RM. I expected an AC in the 90s.

08% (30) Top Critis
24% (159) All Critis
60% (5,000+) Audience Score

@HCFan said:

And it's said that RM is the most-watched film on NX right now. Although, according to Flixpatrol, it wasn't #1 in every country.

RM must beat Extraction 2 to be #10 on the Most Popular List. So far, it doesn't look like it's going to do that.

54,100,000 - 2:16 - 23,900,000 Rebel Moon
77,000,000 - 2:16 - 34,000,000

88,400,000 - 2:04 - 42,800,000 Extraction 2
87,300,000 - 2:04 - 42,200,000

@Triksy said:

Daily Mail

'It is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, I am here, and recognize that, and recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable,' she added.

People love to dig stuff up.

Back in January 2022, Disney debuted a new look for Minnie Mouse, which saw the beloved character abandoning her signature red polka-dot dress in favor of a 'progressive' blue pantsuit designed by Stella McCartney.

WTH? Why can't Minnie wear a freaking skirt? Is Mickey wearing a dress? Disney is mostly for kids or for adults when they want to feel like a kid. It's like a fantasy land. Why should Minnie look like a business woman?

This gender-neutral stuff is starting to get on my nerves. We all are not gender-neutral. I like being a woman/female/she/her. Don't change the damn characters. There are she, he, and those who are both or neither. So just add another freaking mouse and make it a trio.


Why Tom Cruise joining forces with Warner Bros. is a bigger deal than you think

Tom Cruise has joined Warner Bros. to develop and produce feature films together. Sounds like a boring behind-the-scenes detail about film production, but it’s actually quite a significant move in the career of the world’s biggest action star.

Cruise, 61, who rose to fame in the 80s for starring in blockbusters like 1986’s Top Gun has gained a reputation in the 21st century as the last of the great action movie stars for his commitment to death-defying stunts and propping up the Mission Impossible series alongside hits like 2022’s sequel Top Gun: Maverick.

For those in the know, they’ll be aware that Cruise has done a lot of these films through his own production company Cruise/Wagner Productions, started in 1993.

Cruise is one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood and his films have grossed over $13 billion (nearly €12 billion) worldwide. Many of his most successful films have been produced alongside Paramount Pictures as a distributor.

The announcement that Cruise has now tied his mast to the Warner Bros. ship is therefore a big boon for the production studio. Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav has said he wanted to work with more top talent both in front and behind the camera, and you can’t get much bigger than Cruise.

Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group’s Co-Chairs and CEOs Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy said: “We are thrilled to be working with Tom, an absolute legend in the film industry. Our vision, from day one, has been to rebuild this iconic studio to the heights of its glory days”.

De Luca and Abdy continued that when they first sat down with Zaslav, he told them: “We are on a mission to bring Warner Bros. back – we have the best resources, storytelling IP, and talent in the business – and we need to bring Tom Cruise back to Warner Bros!”

It’s unclear as of now how this deal between Cruise and Warner Bros. will manifest and what films will follow.

The actor-studio deal could also have wider ramifications around industry rumours that Warner Bros. and Paramount are considering a merger. Zaslav met Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish in December about a potential deal between the $29 billion (€26 billion) and $10 billion (€9 billion) companies, respectively.


Now TC's out of the blue praise of The Flash makes sense.

This gender-neutral stuff is starting to get on my nerves. We all are not gender-neutral. I like being a woman/female/she/her. Don't change the damn characters. There are she, he, and those who are both or neither. So just add another freaking mouse and make it a trio.

I couldn't have said it better.

This kind of approach will make people turn on the LGBTQ community. Now many accept that there is more than just she and he. That doesn't mean that she and he should be erased. You should add the new one. Add a new cute mouse or a new mouse couple. The more, the merrier, they say.

@HCFan said:

WTH? Why can't Minnie wear a freaking skirt? Is Mickey wearing a dress?

Mickey can wear a dress. Many male celebs wear female clothes and accessory now.

This gender-neutral stuff is starting to get on my nerves. We all are not gender-neutral

I don't mind the gender-neutral greeting. Just leave Minnie and Mickey the way they are.

@Blue-Rose said:

Now TC's out of the blue praise of The Flash makes sense.

Maybe the merging of Paramount and WBD is true.

This kind of approach will make people turn on the LGBTQ community.

Exactly. It's like they want groups to clash. Male vs female, because of all the gender swapping and the turning of male-centric things female-centric. Now it's like they want cis hetero (cishet) vs LGBTQ. If it was easy to erase the gender binary system, it would have been done a long time ago.

@HCFan said:

AM2's VFX looks awful too in the trailer. It looks so fake.

They turned AM into a comedy. It is as bad as Thor 4.

ZS seems unable to let go. I think he likes the whole Snyder cut thing too much. Now RM, a 2h15m film, has a 3h15m R-rated director's cut too.

ZS is unable to tell a story that makes sense without all kinds of unnecessary things. I hear the short version is a mess and feels like parts are missing. And those saying that know there's a part 2. But they still think that's not why the story is crap. So ZS can say it was the studio's interference. The longer version tells the story right. You get a longer version full of unnecessary crap to tell the story a little bit better.

f the Greta Lee thing is true, they should keep it out of the promo and let it be a surprise.

Hiding things from the public is the trend right now. BTW, they are filming Tron 3 right now in Vancouver.

There are rumors about a Scarlet Witch film.

She-Hulk, Miss Marvel and now Echo all have a female lead and they all seem to be crap. Madam Web really looks like something made for TV. It just looks cheap.

This gender-neutral stuff is starting to get on my nerves. We all are not gender-neutral.


@Triksy said:

Daily Mail

'It is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, I am here, and recognize that, and recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable,' she added.

I hear her StarW film has been shelved indefinitely. They're going to make a Mandalorian film instead.

@Blue-Rose said:

Now TC's out of the blue praise of The Flash makes sense.

Most knew something was up. I didn't expect the something to be TC kissing WBD's almost bankrupt arse.

This kind of approach will make people turn on the LGBTQ community. Now many accept that there are more than just she and he. That doesn't mean that she and he should be erased. You should add the new one. Add a new cute mouse or a new mouse couple. The more, the merrier, they say.

@AnnaB said:

Exactly. It's like they want groups to clash. Male vs female, because of all the gender swapping and the turning of male-centric things female-centric. Now it's like they want cis hetero (cishet) vs LGBTQ. If it was easy to erase the gender binary system, it would have been done a long time ago..

The dumbarse foools working for Disney have absolutely no clue how to deal with sensitive stuff like this. Forcing it will only anger people.


She-Hulk star says there’s no hope for season 2

Tatiana Maslany, the actor who played Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, has dashed any hopes of a second season of Marvel’s divisive Disney Plus show.

Appearing on streamer NerdIncorrect’s Twitch gameshow Codenames Live (which Polygon viewed on Jan. 16, but which subsequently appears to have been removed from Twitch’s archive), Maslany was asked by the host, “Should we hope for a season 2?”

“I don’t think so,” Maslany replied. “I think we blew our budget, and Disney was like, ‘no thanks!’”

Maslany’s statement isn’t official, of course, but it sounds quite final. A second season of the show was never discussed by Marvel, although head writer Jessica Gao has said she had ideas for further seasons, and the final episode left the possibility open.

But if Disney has decided against any further She-Hulk on TV, it wouldn’t be a surprise. In several ways, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law was emblematic of the issues Disney has faced with its ambitious plan to extend its top-tier cinematic franchises, Marvel and Star Wars, into streaming TV series.

As Maslany hinted, top of those is cost. Conceptually, She-Hulk was intentionally quite modest: a comedy that would gently spoof a staple TV genre, the legal drama, as well as involve some low- to mid-level superhero hi-jinks, and some of the fourth-wall-breaking meta-comedy associated with the character in the comics.

But its main character was a walking special effect, which (according to Variety) led to ballooning budgets of as much as $25 million per episode and a total cost equal to that of a major blockbuster movie release. That’s a high price tag for a show with a niche, low-stakes concept, which had only a middling impact on its release. To make matters worse, Variety also reported that Marvel Studios’ script development and production processes proved ill-suited to episodic TV, resulting (in She-Hulk’s case) in rushed and unfinished visual effects that were especially underwhelming, considering the budget.

She-Hulk was an object lesson in how difficult it is to scale franchise moviemaking down to TV, and its apparent cancellation is indicative of a shift away from this expensive strategy at Disney. After premiering nine live-action shows in the space of three years, Marvel is now leaning into animation with the likes of this year’s X-Men ’97 and Eyes of Wakanda; it only has a few live-action TV projects on its slate, and the status of many of these, beyond this year’s Agatha: Darkhold Diaries, is unclear.

As for She-Hulk, it seems possible the character will pop up in future MCU movies, but Maslany certainly isn’t working on anything yet. “I’ve got nothing going on. You can find me on Instagram, not posting,” she joked on the stream. “I’ve got no job.”


What a bunch of morons. You should calculate the budget before you start. Everybody knows that CGI will eat up the budget.

@Sue-Yin said:

They turned AM into a comedy. It is as bad as Thor 4.

They say JM didn't play AM. JM was just playing himself. And didn't he say that he and a friend wrote the script? Maybe he should leave the writing to professionals.

BTW, DJ's BA is the highest-grossing post-pandemic DCEU film. BA wasn't released in China and it ended with $390,455,088. When you take China's $57.5M from AM2, you'll have a miserable $338,690,000. WBD*ck is sending it to VOD on January 23.

JG really killed all four post-BA films with his premature soft reboot announcement. WBD*ck lost lots of money bc of him and the son of a dog didn't lift one finger to help promote AM2.

Superhero Hype

James Gunn Confirms J.J. Abrams’ Superman Movie Is Still Happening

Responding to a fan on the social media platform Threads, Gunn revealed that Abrams’ Superman movie, which was announced back in February 2021, is being developed as a DC Elseworlds project.

At this time, Abrams is attached to the project only as a producer, with no plans to direct the feature. Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing the screenplay, which has been reported to revolve around a Black version of the Big Blue Boy Scout.

In addition to Superman: Legacy and Abrams’ Superman movie, DC will release two different takes on Batman in theaters within a few years of each other.

First up will be The Batman Part II, starring Robert Pattinson, in October 2025, followed by The Brave and the Bold, featuring a yet-to-be-cast actor in the title role.


The WBD*cks don't care about superhero fatigue. Investing is always a risky business. But you can keep risk to a minimum by using your brain for thinking. But I think JG is just trying to create chatter. Nothing about his gunn-verse seems to trend. So he gets his minions to ask him stuff, so he can stay online and post. An answer may generate some controversy.

BTW, apparently, the pedophile was caught answering himself on Threads. A screenshot was made before the convo on Threads was deleted. So in case things get deleted, here is a screenshot I made of what the geeks posted https://ibb.co/tCBP1xJ. I also wrote it out below.

Stephen Taylor
@ReviewFischer this is bloody funny as check this out

Restore The Snyderverse
Jimmy forgot to switch accounts
Thread already deleted

Yes. And there are other cool characters in the show played by other cool actors. But all of the series regulars were announced.

Is it true that Anya Chalotra is playing Circe in Creature Commandos?

You are a true visionary, James. DC is lucky to have you.


Christopher Reeve’s Children Never Watched That ‘Flash’ CGI Cameo, Say He’d Choose ‘Remains of the Day’ Over ‘Superman’ as the Film He’s Proud of Most

Reeve’s children were asked about their thoughts on their father’s appearance in last year’s Warner Bros. comic book tentpole “The Flash.” The studio controversially used CGI to recreate his likeness for a cameo in which his iteration of Superman is spotted by Ezra Miller’s Flash out in the multiverse. None of them ever watched “The Flash” and they did not have involvement in that cameo.

When asked what Christopher Reeve role was the most underestimated in the wake of his career being dominated by Superman, Will didn’t hesitate to give an answer.

“In our hometown in Bedford, New York…the local movie theater went through a rebrand a few years ago,” Will said. “The person in charge of that shift reached out to me and said they’d love to have me screen a film of my choice of my dad’s. I responded, ‘Sure, but not Superman. We’re going to do “Remains of the Day.”‘ He was so proud of his role in that movie. It’s not a big role. It’s an important role in the film. He got to show a completely different side of himself. I knew how proud he was of that. Not that he wasn’t proud of Superman…but if he were here he wouldn’t choose Superman, he’d choose ‘Remains of the Day.’ I don’t think about the Superman films as much as I do about the swings he got took beyond this larger-than-life role.”


The DC/WBD*cks are known for:

  1. lying
  2. writing hit pieces
  3. mistreating talents
  4. making bad/hasty decisions
  5. making a mess/being chaotic
  6. leading talents/audiences on
  7. being clueless about when to release a certain piece of news/information and/or for consciously releasing a certain piece of news/information at an inappropriate time

It is absolutely disrespectful and inconsiderate to use a deceased person's likeness without asking his family permission or without at least telling them in advance. Those brain death c*nts working for DC/WBD*ck obviously don't know the impact that seeing a deceased loved one suddenly appear on screen can have. No wonder DC films are the WBD*ck films that keep flopping. The SM currse seems to be real.


Scott Stuber Departing Netflix as Film Head

Scott Stuber, who pushed Netflix to expand into blockbuster movie territory, is stepping down from the streaming service’s top film job to form his own media company.

Stuber will remain with the streamer until March, at which point Netflix CCO Bela Bajaria will temporarily assume his role while she searches for a replacement. Bloomberg first reported the news.

Under Stuber’s direction, Netflix’s feature business aggressively entered the blockbuster space, courting filmmakers such as Zack Snyder, the Russo brothers, Michael Bay and Rawson Marshall Thurber. The era began with the Will Smith starrer Bright, the 2017 film that had a reported budget of $90 million, a hefty number that turned heads at the time but would soon look quaint compared to what was to come.

Red Notice, starring Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot, cost somewhere in the $250 million to $300 million range, while the Russo’ Gray Man cost in the $200 million range. Netflix also shelled out $469 million for two Knives Out sequels from Rian Johnson, while it gave Snyder a $165 million budget (and likely more) for his two-part Rebel Moon films.

While the budgets were hefty, and Netflix’s self-reported numbers deemed them hits, many of the films were dinged by critics.

Other films made under his tenure were critical successes that transformed into awards contenders, including Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog, Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman and Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, Netflix was the most nominated studio at the Oscars.

At the top of 2021, Netflix touted “one new movie every week” with a slate of some 70 features. That announcement came as the company was looking to bulk up its own originals library as other studios launched their respective streamers. In the following years, the streamer has pulled back on original film (though its output is still prolific).

LA Times

The company experienced a surge in subscribers during the early days of the pandemic, but then in 2022 had subscriber losses in the first half of that year, sparking an industrywide reckoning with the streaming business model. Netflix has 247 million subscribers globally, making it the industry leader in subscription streaming video.

In 2021, Netflix unveiled a 70-movie schedule, with a video that noted “New movies. Every week. All year.“ But in July 2022, Stuber told the New York Times that the company was reducing the volume of its movies and later that year Netflix restructured its film team. Last year, Netflix backed out of a Nancy Meyers project after a disagreement over the budget between the filmmakers and the streaming giant became public, according to people familiar with the matter who declined to be named.

“What they discovered probably about two years ago was they just weren’t getting return on movies,” said Michael Pachter, a managing director of equity research with Wedbush Securities.

Stuber’s departure has long been rumored; the executive is known to have chafed against the company’s restraints on theatrical releases as well the sometime prodigious output. And it comes after a larger, longer series of exits in the streamer’s film division.

Less than a year ago, Lisa Nishimura, who was Netflix’s vp independent film and documentary features, abruptly departed the company. Overseeing doc, Nishimura helped the streamer win its first Oscars, while on the narrative side she oversaw Netflix’s efforts in everything from filmmaker-driven features (Power of the Dog) to YA and rom-com entries (A Christmas Prince). Ian Bricke, vp original film, also left at the time and was known for pioneering Netflix’s rom-com dominance, with the exec championing projects like To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and the Kissing Booth films. At the time, all live-action film was folded under Kira Goldberg, Ori Marmur and Niija Kuykendall.


So NX has realized that money doesn't fall from the sky? To keep people subscribed, you have to release new content regularly. But how much new content is enough? And how long can you keep it up? Hollyweird seems to be running out of original ideas fast. Adaptations, reboots, remakes, sequels, prequels and a lot still looks and/or feels a lot alike.

@HCFan said:

What a bunch of morons. You should calculate the budget before you start. Everybody knows that CGI will eat up the budget.

Film (exec.) prod. don't use their brains these days.

BA wasn't released in China and it ended with $390,455,088. When you take China's $57.5M from AM2, you'll have a miserable $338,690,000.

Domestically, BA did $168,283,344 while AM2 is STUCK at $114,460,076.

JG really killed all four post-BA films with his premature soft reboot announcement. WBD*ck lost lots of money bc of him and the son of a dog didn't lift one finger to help promote AM2.

The son of a dog went out of his way to promote Flash. Why, you ask? Because the gay pedophile in him likes to be around male sex offenders and such. AM is accused of being a groomer.

@Sue-Yin said:

The WBD*cks don't care about superhero fatigue.

And the current anti-woke/anti-DEI climate. The rumor was that they would race swap Kal-El and take most of his powers away. If that's true, just calling these people racist c*nts won't do.

Stephen Taylor
@ReviewFischer this is bloody funny as check this out

Review Fischer is that Aaron Fischer geek. He's definitely a ZS goony, but he keeps saying he's not. He uses his YT channel to keep #RestoreTheSnyderVerse hope alive. He claims that there are things happening behind the scene at WBD. He can't say much. But the ZS-verse isn't dead.

The DC/WBD*cks are known for:

  1. lying
  2. writing hit pieces
  3. mistreating talents
  4. making bad/hasty decisions
  5. making a mess/being chaotic
  6. leading talents/audiences on
  7. being clueless about when to release a certain piece of news/information and/or for consciously releasing a certain piece of news/information at an inappropriate time


It is absolutely disrespectful and inconsiderate to use a deceased person's likeness without asking his family permission or without at least telling them in advance.

I can't believe nobody told the family.

To keep people subscribed, you have to release new content regularly. But how much new content is enough? And how long can you keep it up?

Because of Corona, everybody wanted their own streaming service. Now they seem to regret that. NX is just a streamer, but I doubt it can keep it up for just a monthly fee for very long.

AM is accused of being a groomer.

Ezra Miller is EM.

@AnnaB said:

The WBD*ck curse is turning these men into b*tches. They so want people to know they have friends for some reason. rofl

JG is constantly posting about either BD congrats or condolences. Eager to mention friends... eager to post. joy

@HCFan said:

AM2's VFX looks awful too in the trailer. It looks so fake. AM1's VFX looked better.

Amber Heard posted that after all this time, Aquaman 2 made its splash. Not according to the BO numbers. I think she's just making fun.

BTW, two days after AH posted, JD posted. Coincidence? Both were MIA for a very long time.

ZS seems unable to let go. I think he likes the whole Snyder cut thing too much. Now RM, a 2h15m film, has a 3h15m R-rated director's cut too. That's ridiculous. The reason the four hours ZSJL was possible is bc it was for Max. You don't have to worry about running time with streaming films. Also, NX isn't D+ that can't release R-rated content and ZS said that NX gave him complete creative freedom.

I read that the... longer version is a whole new film. I think that ZS doesn't know WTH he wants... or WTH he's doing. He just wastes money and time to... confuse the audience.

There are rumors about a Scarlet Witch film.

D+ can't get anything right. There's a new show called Echo and it's called another... Marvelous disaster.

WTH? Why can't Minnie wear a freaking skirt? Is Mickey wearing a dress?

Women are the... let's say... easy target. Girl-on-girl action in films is more acceptable than two dudes kissing. Nothing controversial about a woman in pants either.

A woman can't be feminine/sexy and smart/powerful at the same time. In order to be perceived as smart/powerful, she should resemble a man (pantsuit). She should relinquish her feminine side. And that's exactly what the f*cking idiots working at Disney are saying by changing Minnie's outfit.

@Sue-Yin said:

She-Hulk, Miss Marvel and now Echo all have a female lead and they all seem to be crap. Madam Web really looks like something made for TV. It just looks cheap.

Only... male-centric films and shows should be good. Put women in crappy shows and films.

It is absolutely disrespectful and inconsiderate to use a deceased person's likeness without asking his family permission or without at least telling them in advance.

A new low for WBD*cks.

The son of a dog went out of his way to promote Flash. Why, you ask? Because the gay pedophile in him likes to be around male sex offenders and such. AM is accused of being a groomer.

I want to know how EM managed to get a 12 yo to fly from the US to the UK. A 12 yo shouldn't be able to leave the country without permission from her parents.

@Blue-Rose said:

Because of Corona, everybody wanted their own streaming service. Now they seem to regret that. NX is just a streamer, but I doubt it can keep it up for just a monthly fee for very long.

Exactly. Why pay to watch one film in theater when you know it will be available to stream soon? You pay the same amount per month to watch countless content in the comfort of your home... with breaks... with cheap snacks... without annoying peeps on their phones.

Streaming didn't affect theater films when NX was the only streamer. You didn't know if or when a certain film would be available on NX.

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