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The Harmonists (1997)

6 12/25/1997 (US) MusicDrama 2h 6m
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Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a famous, German male sextet, five vocals and piano, the "Comedian Harmonists", from the day they meet first in 1927 to the day in 1934, when they become banned by the upcoming Nazis, because three of them are Jewish.

  1. Joseph Vilsmaier


  2. Jürgen Büscher


  3. Jürgen Egger


  4. Klaus Richter


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ben Becker

    Ben Becker

    Robert Biberti

  2. Heino Ferch

    Heino Ferch

    Roman Cycowski

  3. Ulrich Noethen

    Ulrich Noethen

    Harry Frommermann

  4. Heinrich Schafmeister

    Heinrich Schafmeister

    Erich A. Collin

  5. Max Tidof

    Max Tidof

    Ari Leschnikoff

  6. Kai Wiesinger

    Kai Wiesinger

    Erwin Bootz

  7. Meret Becker

    Meret Becker

    Erna Eggstein

  8. Katja Riemann

    Katja Riemann

    Mary Cycowski

  9. Rolf Hoppe

    Rolf Hoppe

    Julius Streicher

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Harmonists
The Harmonists

Original Title Comedian Harmonists

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue $244,523.00


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