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On the Wandering Paths (2023)

TP 03/22/2023 (FR) Drama 1h 32m
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Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, travels regularly through the world. Someday, climbing a hotel frontage while drunk, he falls from high and into a deep coma. When he awakes, he has difficulties walking but, against everyone's advices, he decides to walk through France, following forgotten pathways...

  1. Denis Imbert

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Sylvain Tesson


  3. Diastème


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jean Dujardin

    Jean Dujardin


  2. Izïa Higelin

    Izïa Higelin

    Céline, la sœur de Pierre

  3. Jonathan Zaccaï

    Jonathan Zaccaï

    Arnaud, un ami de Pierre

  4. Anny Duperey

    Anny Duperey

    Hélène, une tante de Pierre

  5. Dylan Robert

    Dylan Robert

    Dylan, un randonneur

  6. Joséphine Japy

    Joséphine Japy

    Anna, l'ancienne compagne de Pierre

  7. Olivier Charasson

    Olivier Charasson


  8. Lou Chauvain

    Lou Chauvain


Full Cast & Crew

On the Wandering Paths
On the Wandering Paths

Original Title Sur les chemins noirs

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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