When Will You Return? (2017)

06/24/2017 (JP) DramaFamilyRomance 1h 54m
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Itsu Mata, Kimi to Hori Jun Zairai


Tomoko Ashimura types on a computer her memory of her late husband Goro, but Tomoko Ashimura succumbs to a disease. On behalf of Tomoko Ashimura, her grandchild Osamu collects Tomoko’s memoirs. He learns about the love between his grandparents for the past 50 years and the difficult life they faced during and after the Pacific War.

  1. Fukugawa Yoshihiro


  2. Tomoko Ashimura


  3. Mutsumi Yamamoto


Top Billed Cast

  1. Machiko Ono

    Machiko Ono

    Tomoko Ashimura

  2. Osamu Mukai

    Osamu Mukai

    Goro Ashimura

  3. Yoko Nogiwa

    Yoko Nogiwa

    Tomoko Ashimura (Present Days)

  4. Kayoko Kishimoto

    Kayoko Kishimoto


  5. Taro Suruga

    Taro Suruga

    Mikio Takasugi

  6. Issey Ogata

    Issey Ogata

    Chu Ashimura

  7. Ishin Narita


  8. Karin Tokushige

Full Cast & Crew

When Will You Return?
When Will You Return?

Original Title いつまた、君と ~何日君再来~

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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