Erotic Short Circuits Vol.2 (1998)

10/10/1998 (IT) Drama
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Rapporti Impropri: After the death of her mother, Silvia, a sexually jaunty 16-year-old girl, is welcomed for a certain period by her uncle Carlo where as a child she spent the summer holidays and of which she is always secretly in love. Silvia's goal is to be accepted and ready to do anything, even to seduce the whole family. Benedetta Transgressione: A young separated couple meets by chance on the terrace of a Roman park. The husband hardly recognizes in the woman's uninhibited and provocative behavior his ex-wife, who, realizing the exciting effect it has on her ex-spouse, even offers him a threesome. Specchio, Specchio Delle Mie Brame: Giulia, Sandro's wife, helping Walter, her husband's brother, to mount a mirror, takes advantage of the situation to betray her narcissistic spouse, too arrogant and taken to notice the affair that takes place practically under his eyes...

  1. Enrico Bernard


  2. Stefano Soli


  3. Massimiliano Zanin


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Original Title Corti circuiti erotici Vol.2

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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