Kiss of Death (2008)

01/14/2008 (GB) 1h 30m
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A killer has killed once and kidnapped another victim, challenging the investigative and forensic team to work out why. Suddenly everyone's past comes under scrutiny, everyone's version of the truth comes under suspicion. Kay Rousseau, who heads up the crime team, is back at work after the death of her child. Suspicion about her involvement in this death remains, not least in her own husband. Only Matt Costello, Kay's second-in-command and a dedicated, impassioned copper, is loyal to the core.

  1. Paul Unwin


  2. Barbara Machin


Top Billed Cast

  1. Louise Lombard

    Louise Lombard

    Kay Rousseau

  2. Danny Dyer

    Danny Dyer

    Matt Costello

  3. Lyndsey Marshal

    Lyndsey Marshal

    George Austen

  4. Shaun Parkes

    Shaun Parkes

    Clive Morrell

  5. Lenora Crichlow

    Lenora Crichlow

    Jude Whiley

  6. Brian McCardie

    Brian McCardie

    Michael Bovery

  7. Ace Bhatti

    Ace Bhatti

    Miles Trueman

  8. Caroline O'Hara

    Jane Doe

  9. Neil McDermott

    John Doe

  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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