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Clerks III (2022)

R 09/04/2022 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 40m
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After narrowly surviving a massive heart attack, Randal enlists his old friend Dante to help him make a movie immortalizing their youthful days at the little convenience store that started it all.

  1. Kevin Smith

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Jeff Anderson

    Jeff Anderson

    Randal Graves

  2. Brian O'Halloran

    Brian O'Halloran

    Dante Hicks

  3. Jason Mewes

    Jason Mewes


  4. Kevin Smith

    Kevin Smith

    Silent Bob

  5. Rosario Dawson

    Rosario Dawson


  6. Marilyn Ghigliotti

    Marilyn Ghigliotti

    Veronica Loughran

  7. Trevor Fehrman

    Trevor Fehrman

    Elias Grover

  8. Austin Zajur

    Austin Zajur

    Blockchain Coltrane

  9. Jennifer Schwalbach Smith

    Jennifer Schwalbach Smith


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Clerks III
Clerks III

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $7,000,000.00

Revenue $4,717,597.00


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