Fight for Your Right Revisited (2011)

R 04/22/2011 (US) MusicComedy 30m
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Fight for Your Right Revisited stars Danny McBride, Seth Rogen, and Elijah Wood as the "young" Beastie Boys from the past and Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and Will Ferrell as the "old" Beastie Boys from the future. The story begins where the video for "Fight for Your Right (1987)" ended. It features music from the band's album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two.

  1. Adam Yauch

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Elijah Wood

    Elijah Wood

    Ad-Rock (B-Boys 1)

  2. Danny McBride

    Danny McBride

    MCA (B-Boys 1)

  3. Seth Rogen

    Seth Rogen

    Mike D (B-Boys 1)

  4. Susan Sarandon

    Susan Sarandon


  5. Stanley Tucci

    Stanley Tucci


  6. Rashida Jones

    Rashida Jones

    Skirt Suit

  7. Will Arnett

    Will Arnett

    Biz Man

  8. Adam Scott

    Adam Scott

    Cab Driver

  9. Rainn Wilson

    Rainn Wilson

    Church Goer

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Fight for Your Right Revisited
Fight for Your Right Revisited

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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