Jack of Spades (1960)

12/21/1960 (FR) 1h 30m
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After an adventurous life, Patrick has settled in the Camargue and bought a manade where he raises bulls, while the "riziers" gradually invade and transform the land. On the very day the bulls are being branded, Patrick sees Robert, a long-lost comrade just out of prison. He takes him in and asks for nothing, despite the general hostility. In fact, Robert begins by poaching young Paco, son of the gardian-chef, by offering to rob a bank; then he covets his friend's almost-fiancée, Zeffa; finally, he organizes a devastating expedition against the rice farmers, in short, he behaves like a real "dog in a poke", sowing discord and brawl everywhere.

  1. Yves Allégret

    Director, Writer

  2. Albert Vidalie


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Original Title Chien de pique

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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