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I love the movie "The Witches (1990)", an adaptation of Roald Dahl's 1983 novel "The Witches".

Now there is a remake. Is it going to be good?


... it is a "Warner Bros. Pictures Presents A Max Original".

... director and producer Robert Zemeckis said that "his version is closer to the original Dahl book than the 1990 version, which was set in 1980s England".

... grandma is cool. She dances and sings "Reach Out (I'll Be There)" from the Four Tops. Does she also have magical powers?

... is Zelda the "good" witch?

... will it have the darker ending as in the book?

"The Witches (2020)" - Official Trailer

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“I’ll Be There” is by The Jackson Five. I think you’re thinking of “Reach Out (I’ll Be There)”.

@Tresix You're correct. relaxed I was thinking of the complete title, but only typed the last words. wink

I remember this movie since my childhood I think it gave me nightmares I hope I can have the link to descargar torrents and enjoy this relationship with the love of my life Anne Hathaway


Awful non-sense film. They should’ve made a continuation of the 90s, rather than yet another new version, twisting the play trying to make it cooler.

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