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Enemies of the State (2010)

16 08/05/2010 (CZ) ActionDramaCrime 1h 58m
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He escaped from a high-security jail. To prove his innocence or to take his revenge?


Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?

  1. Petr Jákl

    Director, Writer

  2. Marek Dobeš


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Enemies of the State
Enemies of the State

Original Title Kajínek

Status Released

Original Language Czech

Budget -

Revenue -


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