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Hide in Plain Sight (1980)

PG 03/21/1980 (US) Drama 1h 32m
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If the Justice Dept of the United States abducted your children, what would you do?


True story of a man in search of his children after his ex-wife enters the Witness Protection Program.

  1. James Caan


  2. Spencer Eastman


Top Billed Cast

  1. James Caan

    James Caan

    Thomas Hacklin, Jr.

  2. Jill Eikenberry

    Jill Eikenberry

    Alisa Hacklin

  3. Robert Viharo

    Robert Viharo

    Jack Scolese

  4. Joe Grifasi

    Joe Grifasi

    Matty Stanek

  5. Barbra Rae

    Ruthie Hacklin

  6. Kenneth McMillan

    Kenneth McMillan

    Sam Marzetta

  7. Josef Sommer

    Josef Sommer

    Jason R. Reid

  8. Danny Aiello

    Danny Aiello

    Sal Carvello

  9. David Clennon

    David Clennon

    Richard Fieldston

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Hide in Plain Sight
Hide in Plain Sight

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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