Mister Smarty (1936)

07/15/1936 (US) Comedy 19m
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Mr. Bowser believes that he'll be able to clean the house better than his wife can.

  1. Jack White


Top Billed Cast

  1. Andy Clyde

    Andy Clyde

    Mr. Bowzer

  2. Leora Thatcher

    Annie Bowzer

  3. Tommy Bond

    Tommy Bond

    Smaller Bowzer Son

  4. Bud Jamison

    Bud Jamison

    The Neighbor

  5. Frank Mills

    Frank Mills

    Lead Painter

  6. Harry Tenbrook

    Harry Tenbrook

    Lumber Delivery Man

  7. Al Thompson

    Al Thompson

    Lead Floor Polisher

  8. John Rand

    John Rand

    Junk Man

  9. Robert McKenzie

    Robert McKenzie

    Chimney Cleaner

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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