The Forest of Wool and Steel (2018)

06/08/2018 (JP) DramaRomance 2h 14m
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High school student Naoki Tomura grew up in a remote area in Hokkaido. He meets piano tuner Soichiro Itadori in school and eventually decides to work at Itadori’s musical instrument store. Tomura gradually grows as a piano tuner through his interactions with the other tuners and musician clients

  1. Kojiro Hashimoto


  2. Natsu Miyashita


  3. Arisa Kaneko


Top Billed Cast

  1. Kento Yamazaki

    Kento Yamazaki

    Naoki Tomura

  2. Tomokazu Miura

    Tomokazu Miura

    Soichiro Itadori

  3. Mone Kamishiraishi

    Mone Kamishiraishi

    Kazune Sakura

  4. Moka Kamishiraishi

    Moka Kamishiraishi

    Yuni Sakura

  5. Ryohei Suzuki

    Ryohei Suzuki

    Shinji Yanagi

  6. Keiko Horiuchi

    Keiko Horiuchi

    Mizuki Kitakawa

  7. Ken Mitsuishi

    Ken Mitsuishi

    Tadashi Akino

  8. Riisa Naka

    Riisa Naka

    Eri Hamano

  9. Yu Shirota

    Yu Shirota

    Masato Kamijo

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Forest of Wool and Steel
The Forest of Wool and Steel

Original Title 羊と鋼の森

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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